
Cat Malogen
Ancestors of trauma survivors carry dna mutations from these events. Holocaust survivors are an example. If a psychedelic can heal someone from these experiences, it could be possible that healing carries down to the genetic level.

@luka i’m thinking out loud, countering my own original position to @sufi ’s question.

It’s not really a debate if I don’t at least ask myself what a contrary position could look like, is it.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Also, as per usual, quite a bit of weight placed on the semantics here. What qualifies as trauma? Distinctions between corporal and psychological damage?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I mean, why bother questioning WYH about whether it's "true" if that very question is meaningless to you?


Well-known member
I mean, why bother questioning WYH about whether it's "true" if that very question is meaningless to you?
It's meaningless I think, as far as having fun on dissensus goes. But it's interesting in terms of what is thought to have been proved, or is thought to be true out there in the wild


Well-known member
Dissensus should be about making things up. But it's interesting to know what is considered true in the real world because it has real world consequences.
I’m not ruling out mushrooms influencing human systems or individuals, or ritual use across millennia, but evidence isn’t there yet of a direct influence on brain evolution or genetics. It’s a fairly focused point.

Think mckennas idea is massively overblown, in mckenna style. but if you take epigenetics seriously then the answer to the question of influence is a matter of scale rather than a yes or no. the only evidence we need is did we eat them yeah, did we make art and stories about it yeah.

another way to ask that question is what aspect of the enviroment doesnt directly influence genetics? and the answer is none
i know nothing about genetics. i read dawkins blind watchmaker and selfish gene as a teenager

but i find it hard to see any way in which psychological experience cant influence DNA.. why would adaptation to environment stop at neurons, hormones, brain stuff etc. the problem with the debate, having read nothing about it, is a silly mind body distinction


McKenna's idea is charming but silly, given that we already know what ushered in the modern human genome and attendant cognitive systems: a male pig, fucking a female chimpanzee, whose offspring back-bred with other chimpanzees.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Maybe theres some way that the possible epigenetic effects are limited to neurons. Blocking the expression of certain dynamical genes in neurons. Something like that.