john eden

male pale and stale
What are we "disavowing" though? Is it St Mark?

Pretty pissed off at that. CCRU et al is more connected to the alt-right than this place, Josef excepted.


Well-known member
I can't think of anyone on here I'd consider alt-right. I guess some of the humour can get a bit blokey and uncouth, but I don't think that's the same thing. I'm assuming he took the Your Journey to the Alt-Right thread at face value,


Well-known member
Just incidentally, but sort of related... On that gek opel podcast I linked to somewhere, the social discipline one, he says an interesting thing, which is that the left needs to stop worrying about the alt right, or the sharp celebrity type end of it, ie nick Land type area. And just worry about the plain old right instead.

So in terms of answering your question version, he would probably say "it doesn't matter"
Mostly for the banter - I'm not on here with the sincere belief that I'm engaging in discourse (or "praxis"), attempting to carve out my own niche in the hope of getting a book deal with Verso or Repeater.

me too, you arent her for banter only and you wouldnt be here if prior or future book deals werent in play would you? so think about your own libidinal economy here, how you indulge the theatre and what your role is


Well-known member
whats 'sincere belief'
They have deluded themselves into thinking they are engaged in an actual political project i.e. that the deployment of their words and argumentation through twitter and their books has actual political ramifications and effects, which, I would argue, is simply not the case.


Well-known member
Hence my eyerolling at their deployment of the term "praxis" - the only person left in the world engaged in praxis is Third.
so your point is about hypocrisy, its a variation of 'you use an iphone yet...' ie you benefit from this system / are implicated in this matrix of desire so any crtique is merely performative?