
is not like other people
my first experience with the substance used as a horse tranquiliser

where were you in 2002? wandering around the backrooms in short trousers? i'll tell you where i was: in the now-demolished middlesex hospital, attached to an iv drip containing a lab-grade dose of the stuff to which this thread pertains.

i found myself there as part of a ph.d. level research project, enlisted as a human guinea pig, exploring the effects of this nefarious substance on the capacity for "emotional memory". the researcher had been looking for subjects such as myself who had no experience of ketamine ingestion. i neglected to inform her i had never felt an emotion either!

once the bizarre element was at work in my bloodstream, i was seated before a computer and allowed to watch a video all about a young child's trip to school, in the course of which he suffered a terrible accident and found both his feet had been severed. i remember to this day the image of his stumps, its impact only augmented by the influence of the drug: ketamine!

picture if you will the newly adult @woops wandering down oxford st savouring the fading glamour cast by special k. it would only be two weeks until he returned to the ward to take the tests again, this time minus the dose. in return for risking life and sanity he was paid thirty quid to get high - thirty quid which he promptly spent on - more ketamine!!


bandz ahoy
I have done it quite a lot over the years though hardly ever any more

So I must HAVE enjoyed it, but I avoid it now... I find it very strange and sinister

I think I enjoyed the temporary insanity of it, esp. when you're doing it with a load of mates, that 'WONKY' feeling

But I prefer knowing what my name is and why I go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning and all that basic stuff, which is all stuff that I more or less understand when I'm on mushrooms or acid


Well-known member
/this music will//////// never disappear as in other comments garage is where u park ur car house is where u live hardcore is forever long live hardcore Sully d

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I have had some time to consider my response and i would say that i believe Ket to be the worst drug ever
'Regretamine', as certain wags call it.

It has its place. It's not in my top ten drugs, but it's not in my bottom ten, either.


Well-known member
Matthew Perry was a known gak fiend so when he died I assumed it was mostly to do with that, but apparently it was ketamine, and now people are being charged in connection with it, including two doctors.

it is very sad that ketamine is a drug that makes you want to take a warm and beautiful bath but that is basically the only thing you cannot do on it or else you are at risk of literally dying

i do think ketamine's dangers are a little overstated… if you become an absolute addict, sure, you'll blow out your bladder. if you do that with most drugs you literally fucking die of organ failure, I know which one I'd choose.

It's a nice and relaxing drug, and the next day you usually feel basically fine, you can party with the lads and then go home and wake up the next day and go for a run. better than alcohol, that's for sure.


Well-known member
one of the good sides is it can feel very pleasant and anxiety free
one of the bad sides is it can feel numbing and boring, exactly why I hate doing it in the club, it's not made for standing and the music always feels way too quiet, all of the internal living through the sound, gone.


cat malogen
one drug to avoid, once you’ve seen or lived the stumbly round a table rag tag end of animal balance control, is it a bestower of gifts or a grim brief wander in blind alleys?

fuck ever taking it again, it can drip post line into a phlegm fest too, never seen a compound generate strange and not at all pleasant nostril and throat sensations and not naive to nostril destruction, seen it in first timers when they can’t check a gag reflex because the post line nasal flow is so ott

Lilly seems an outlier as initial advocate - self administered, I.v, on planes wtf last drug I’d ever want on a fuckin plane, sure every drug has an ecology and economy of users, proponents and scope of distribution but I hope quaaludes from days of yore weren’t like ketamine

line b

Well-known member
It was fucking debased. Was drunk as hell too. Girl I was with started throwing up. I tried to stand but made it 3 feet and was back on the floor, sneezing and spitting and dry heaving into a pair of pants. Fucking demented haven't been that high in years

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
It's awful when it hits and you realise it's too much. I remember doing a huge line at a mate's, immediately realising how strong it was and just about making it to the bathroom to hunch over the toilet for the next 20 minutes. Another mate decided to boot the door open and trap my hand under it and I couldn't even feel it.


in je ogen waait de wind
My vision kind of switched to how my dreams look for me- Rothko esque impressions of warm dark colors and heat.
this sounds beautiful?

It was fucking debased. Was drunk as hell too. Girl I was with started throwing up. I tried to stand but made it 3 feet and was back on the floor, sneezing and spitting and dry heaving into a pair of pants. Fucking demented haven't been that high in years
this sounds terrible?

so what was it? or can it be both?