2024 books/films/shows

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Books (wow I sucked at reading this year...)

Susan Cooper: Over Sea Under Stone/The Dark is Rising/Greenwitch/The Grey King
John J. Ratey: Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain
La Rochefacauld: Maxims
Terry Pratchett: Wyrd Sisters/Witches Abroad
Michael Ende: Momo
Pat Barker: The Eye In The Door
Michael Mechanic: Jackpot
Shakespeare: The Tempest/Julius Caesar
Tolkien: The Fellowship of the Motherfucking Ring
Brian Sewell: Naked Emperors

If we're just talking stuff you liked this year rather than came out this year then these are the best of the books I've read:

TechGnosis: Myth, Magic & Mysticism in the Age of Information - Erik Davis
The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in An Age of Diminishing Expectations - Christopher Lasch
Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide - Franco "Bifo" Berardi
Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? - Jean Baudrillard
The System of Objects - Jean Baudrillard
Which As You Know Means Violence: On Self-Injury as Art and Entertainment - Philippa Snow
The Moro Affair - Leonardo Sciascia
Collected Poems 1909-1962 - T. S. Eliot
Ivory Pearl - Jean-Patrick Manchette
Nada - Jean-Patrick Manchette
Pattern Recognition - William Gibson
Selected Poems - Jacques Dupin
Leaves of Hypnos - René Char
The Ticket that Exploded - William S. Burroughs
Guy Debord - Anselm Jappe
The Evil Demon of Images - Jean Baudrillard
The Book of Sand - Jorge Luis Borges
On the Line - Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari
The Intelligence of Evil, or The Lucidity Pact - Jean Baudrillard
Lud Heat - Iain Sinclair


Well-known member
I haven't had the mental bandwith to watch very much in the way of films or shows this year, especially the later half of the year since moving, but Fallout was fairly entertaining. I never played the game, but I don't know if having never played the game helps or hurts.


Binary & Tweed
Of these, I think the only one which came out in 2024 is Assets in Common. I think by the end of 2024 I'll have averaged around 8 pages a day (not counting various other articles/essays), and probably 150 pages of notes taken in total.

(12/17/23 - 01/30/24) Discourses on Livy (Machiavelli)
(02/08/24 - 04/15/24) The Federalist Papers (Hamilton, Jay, Jefferson)
(04/16/24 - 06/28/24) The Constitution of Liberty (Hayek)
(07/04/24 - 07/29/24) Moby Dick (Melville)
(07/31/24 - 08/01/24) Common Sense (Paine)
(08/03/24 - 08/11/24) How to Take Smart Notes (Ahrens)
(08/16/24 - 10/17/24) General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (Keynes)
(10/28/24 - Present) Assets in Common (Infrastructure for Shared Ownership)
(10/29/24 - Present) The English Face of Machiavelli (Raab)


Binary & Tweed
I haven't had the mental bandwith to watch very much in the way of films or shows this year, especially the later half of the year since moving, but Fallout was fairly entertaining. I never played the game, but I don't know if having never played the game helps or hurts.
The games are a lot of fun, perhaps my favorite game franchise.


Well-known member
Definitely, that's why it's useful...

But also bad
Of these, I think the only one which came out in 2024 is Assets in Common. I think by the end of 2024 I'll have averaged around 8 pages a day (not counting various other articles/essays), and probably 150 pages of notes taken in total.

(12/17/23 - 01/30/24) Discourses on Livy (Machiavelli)
(02/08/24 - 04/15/24) The Federalist Papers (Hamilton, Jay, Jefferson)
(04/16/24 - 06/28/24) The Constitution of Liberty (Hayek)
(07/04/24 - 07/29/24) Moby Dick (Melville)
(07/31/24 - 08/01/24) Common Sense (Paine)
(08/03/24 - 08/11/24) How to Take Smart Notes (Ahrens)
(08/16/24 - 10/17/24) General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (Keynes)
(10/28/24 - Present) Assets in Common (Infrastructure for Shared Ownership)
(10/29/24 - Present) The English Face of Machiavelli (Raab)
The stupidest list I've ever seen. I was going to say this to corpsey but then you topped it.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
Novels/short stories

Dickens - David Copperfield
Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
Burroughs - The Ticket that Exploded
Borges - El Aleph, Artificios
Kipling - The Jungle Book

English Renaissance

Tons of Shakespeare plays and sonnets, Venus and Adonis
Edmund Spenser - The Faery Queen Book 1
George Chapman's Iliad
Arthur Golding's Metamorphoses

Poetry in English

Milton - Paradise Lost
Too much other stuff to mention, mostly rereading from various anthologies I've picked up.

Spanish Golden Age poetry

Santa Teresa de Jesús
San Juan de la Cruz
Fray Luis de León

The Generation of '27

Lorca - Canciones, Cante Jondo, Romancero Gitano
Jorge Guillen - Cántico, Collected Prose
Pedro Salinas - La Voz a tí Debida, Razón de Amor
Vicente Aleixandre - Destrucción o Amor
Luis Cernuda - Anthology
Rafael Alberti - Marinero en Tierra, Sobre los Ángeles

Other Poetry in Spanish

Ruben Dario
Adolfo Gustavo Bécquer - Rimas
Juan Ramón Jiménez - Segunda Antología, Platero y Yo
Antonio Machado - Anthology

My main reading ambitions for next year are to read the Canterbury Tales, Chapman's Odyssey, and Don Quijote (read the first 200 pages and it was amazing but got distracted somehow and never finished it)

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
If you think that’s stupid, just wait til you see my reading queue!


Binary & Tweed
Novels/short stories

Dickens - David Copperfield
Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
Burroughs - The Ticket that Exploded
Borges - El Aleph, Artificios
Kipling - The Jungle Book

English Renaissance

Tons of Shakespeare plays and sonnets, Venus and Adonis
Edmund Spenser - The Faery Queen Book 1
George Chapman's Iliad
Arthur Golding's Metamorphoses

Poetry in English

Milton - Paradise Lost
Too much other stuff to mention, mostly rereading from various anthologies I've picked up.

Spanish Golden Age poetry

Santa Teresa de Jesús
San Juan de la Cruz
Fray Luis de León

The Generation of '27

Lorca - Canciones, Cante Jondo, Romancero Gitano
Jorge Guillen - Cántico, Collected Prose
Pedro Salinas - La Voz a tí Debida, Razón de Amor
Vicente Aleixandre - Destrucción o Amor
Luis Cernuda - Anthology
Rafael Alberti - Marinero en Tierra, Sobre los Ángeles

Other Poetry in Spanish

Ruben Dario
Adolfo Gustavo Bécquer - Rimas
Juan Ramón Jiménez - Segunda Antología, Platero y Yo
Antonio Machado - Anthology

My main reading ambitions for next year are to read the Canterbury Tales, Chapman's Odyssey, and Don Quijote (read the first 200 pages and it was amazing but got distracted somehow and never finished it)
Oh I also want to read Don Quixote in 2025, might be the next one on my list.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
Might have to get an English translation of Quijote or it'll take me all next year to read it. Loved what I did read though, genuinely funny


Binary & Tweed
Speaking of 2024 movies and of the Odyssey, I just saw The Return and I thought it was mediocre, a thoroughly vanilla film only partially redeemed by a nice burst of violent retribution against the suitors at the end.


Well-known member
I can't remember what Film Noir I've seen this year I really liked other than The Big Heat, but there are a few others, maybe read one book on the other hand, Ballard - Crash. And can think of one brilliant film, The Parallax View.