'co-opted'? how far was modernism opposed to capitalism in the first place. advertising and movies are two capitalist enterprises that were often 'modernist'.
i'll choose what's important in a film, if u don't mind herr haneke!
it wouldn't particularly change anything if we found out who sent the tapes. it wouldn't make georges' response any less equivocal, or undermine the film's theme. i don't really like the idea that the tapes are 'emanations' of...
diagree that "it doesn't matter" who sent the tapes; there's nothing wrong with the audience wanting the mystery resolved! the final shot would still be v. ambiguous.
isn't this a bit of a 'get out of jail free card'.
"because Pudovkin shows life under Stalin as so comfortable, and Riefenstahl shows Germans to be immeasurably more powerful than Jews, they inadvertently suggest an opposite point of view."
i haven't been a film student either, but you'll find the pernicious influence of brecht all over '70s 'screen' (of which 'sirk on sirk' editor jon halliday was an editor -- with laura mulvey he helped 'make' sirk in the UK) and thus in most film studs text books. it was articulated with the...
also the defence of sirk for his 'anti-naturalism' is thru the looking-glass: of course, in the 40s and 50s left-wing critics hated on hollywood precisely for its lack of naturalism. now (or rather in the 70s, which in film
academica have somehow lasted 25 years) for a film to get the nod it...
i wonder if there are even figures on things like, how many prints of 'earth' were struck versus other russian productions versus american imports.
because of the cost of filmmaking, only tiny numbers of films were deliberately made for small audiences, i would guess.
there's nothing remotely avant-garde about sirk -- the whole sirk industry is a big joke being played on us by the '70s.
but any case large numbers of filmmakers in all industries have avant-garde backgrounds (like sirk). the point is that films have, pretty much since the early '20s, been...
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