
Binary & Tweed
But yeah there are definitely some legitmate LLM uses I've enjoyed so far, such as doing initial passes through contracts and SoW's for general legal risks (or rather helping you distill down questions/concerns for you to bring to legal counsel). Also useful for synthesizing documents. I'm currently looking for a semantic embedding/search plugin for Obsidian, if you happen to know of one.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member



You can do anything with it at the moment, full of copyright material, no filters.

Disney are going to sue them into oblivion surely

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Please tell us more about your dad's miserable experience reading that in Chungking Mansions in 1989. We would all like to know more about your dad's miserable experience reading that in Chungking Mansions in 1989.

Him and my mum went on an ill-fated honeymoon to China and he said he found the story very disturbing, compounded by them being in this claustrophobic room, a little overwhelmed by the place in general and then Tiananmen Square kicking off and them having to quickly find a way out of the country via the embassy, relatives back home sending money and making calls, the airports being in chaos and people generally panicking and rushing all over the place.

Goth Feet ASMR

Well-known member
Him and my mum went on an ill-fated honeymoon to China and he said he found the story very disturbing, compounded by them being in this claustrophobic room, a little overwhelmed by the place in general and then Tiananmen Square kicking off and them having to quickly find a way out of the country via the embassy, relatives back home sending money and making calls, the airports being in chaos and people generally panicking and rushing all over the place.
what a literal baby your dad was at chung king mansions in 1989. if i was with a hot girl in hong kong in 1989, me and her would have drank like 8 liters of lukewarm san Miguel beer in the park and then we would take the star ferry to central and then walk to wanchai to buy some shitty weed at Southorn Playground and smoke it at one of those grimy ass filipino discotheques over there and then we would take the star ferry back to tst and see new wave bands at amoeba bar and after that we would eat some Indian food and then we would go back to our stinky little room and fuck like crazy. your dad is wack as hell for not doing that shit goddamn.