
Binary & Tweed
My queue consists chiefly of the classics, dear Craner. Fukuyama is a meme, and as a meme I shall handle him, until I am otherwise convinced.


Binary & Tweed
Yeah shitposting aside I don’t have any intentions to read him, but that could change. I vaguely recall hearing that Fukuyama was influenced by Kojeve, and kojeves interested me for a while, so if anything that would probably be why I’d read Fukuyama.


Beast of Burden
You have a very utilitarian attitude to reading. There's no question of pleasure or knowledge, it's all about finding relevant material to feed into your preconceived systems. Everything else is vanity, or waste.


Binary & Tweed
You have a very utilitarian attitude to reading. There's no question of pleasure or knowledge, it's all about finding relevant material to feed into your preconceived systems. Everything else is vanity, or waste.
True re: pleasure, I generally don’t enjoy reading.


Binary & Tweed
Well that’s not completely true, I find reading nourishing and fulfilling, but it’s not something I generally do for fun.