Cambridge Analytica + Psyops + The Beast

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
words have meanings
That's funny, I'd always thought they were asemic and more or less arbitrary collections of phonemes.

And I assume you'll also be taking this finger-wagging tone with anyone else here who uses the word 'fascist', let's say, for a person or thing that doesn't actually meet the dictionary definition of that word?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
but not "hardline racist"? or is it?
To be clear, yes, Breitbart is hardline racist. You know this, obviously, and are just being a dick about it because you think I'm using this as a roundabout way to criticise his brother, which I'm not. Piers Corbyn is a bellend entirely in his own right.


i don't think breitbart is hardline racist or even overtly racist at all, same with piers corbyn,
(& i washed my hands of jeremy long before you even joined the party) the criticism is of you with your outbursts
That's funny, I'd always thought they were asemic and more or less arbitrary collections of phonemes.

And I assume you'll also be taking this finger-wagging tone with anyone else here who uses the word 'fascist', let's say, for a person or thing that doesn't actually meet the dictionary definition of that word?
probably not, but your accusation was very precise and slanderous.
i wouldn't defend piers either, just want to show you up really, i came across that statement while looking for something else.
i think on those terms you'd probably qualify too, as you are constantly parroting msm dog-whistles, you should try and choose your words more carefully.


but i certainly havent studied it in detail. perhaps you could point out some examples? i notice that you still don't mention any actual evidence for these bizarre allegations, that's a bit hypocritical.


i mean you may be able to read something between the lines, and you might even be correct that they are "hardline racists" -such people do exist, but so far you're just flying by mouth

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
i don't think breitbart is hardline racist or even overtly racist at all, same with piers corbyn,
(& i washed my hands of jeremy long before you even joined the party) the criticism is of you with your outbursts

probably not, but your accusation was very precise and slanderous.
i wouldn't defend piers either, just want to show you up really, i came across that statement while looking for something else.
i think on those terms you'd probably qualify too, as you are constantly parroting msm dog-whistles, you should try and choose your words more carefully.
I would ask why, but the last time you decided I was racist it was for criticising the indoctrination of children in Saudi schools to regard gays and people from other cultures as subhuman. Which such a fucked-up position that I don't even know where to start.


I would ask why, but the last time you decided I was racist it was for criticising the indoctrination of children in Saudi schools to regard gays and people from other cultures as subhuman. Which such a fucked-up position that I don't even know where to start.
your problem is that you don't listen you have a blind spot bigger than your entire head

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Would it shock you to learn that I sometimes voluntarily enter churches and cathedrals? That I've been in more than one - wait for it - mosques??? 😲


I felt for a while that the NIP was being funded by alt-rights in attempts to destablise marginal Northern areas. Not sure if I was right or not

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Mass-Observation is a United Kingdom social research project; originally the name of an organisation which ran from 1937 to the mid-1960s, and was revived in 1981 at the University of Sussex.

Mass-Observation originally aimed to record everyday life in Britain through a panel of around 500 untrained volunteer observers who either maintained diaries or replied to open-ended questionnaires (known as directives). They also paid investigators to anonymously record people's conversation and behaviour at work, on the street and at various public occasions including public meetings and sporting and religious events.

Saw someone mention this group in relation to Savile because of their interest in dance halls,

Allegedly Jimmy Savile started playing records in dance halls also in the early 1940s (when he was supposedly working down a coal mine). This is difficult to corroborate, but according to his autobiography at least, he was the first to use two turntables and a microphone at the Grand Records Ball, in the Guardbridge Hotel, in 1947. If so, it’s perhaps not unthinkable that he was cutting his teeth as a teenager in local dance clubs at exactly the time Acland, Harrisson, et al. were working out how best to incorporate the dance club scene into social research and “progressive” movements.

The evidence provided by the Mass Observation material indicates that the world of pop music and dance halls was of crucial interest to the ruling class and, in fact, that it was being used to implement long-term social goals. Before attaining prominence as the dean of pop music in the 1960s, Savile (as well as the Kray twins) ran his own clubs in the 1950s, a period when wartime dance halls steadily morphed into gangster-run venues for drugs and prostitution. And not only did the budding new dance culture overlap with the crime underworld populated by the Kray twins and Jimmy Boyle (and possibly Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, and Savile’s pal Peter Sutcliffe), it also intersected with the interests of Members of Parliament, from social reformers like Acland to occult-dabblers like Driberg and known child molesters like Lord Boothby. Is it a leap to suppose that Savile’s involvement with the world of dance music was part and parcel with his connection to, or employment by, governmental agencies?
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ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Don’t expect to see Cambridge Analytica-style microtargeted political adverts driven by personal data during this general election: the tactic is now considered by many to be an ineffective “red herring” and is increasingly being blocked by social media platforms.

The digital strategist Tom Edmonds said Facebook had banned political campaigns from using many of the tactics deployed in past contests. “Running a campaign aimed at 500 people didn’t earn them much money and just got them loads of shit,” he said.
