Do aesthetics map to politics?


cat malogen
Scooping up a board at a traffic light and they half run their last step to a halt and, making eye contact, just mouthing fuck off silently

love that

supposed to be doing care plan audits


bandz ahoy
devil may care about cigarettes
Wasn't it great being so young that you could chain smoke and think "I'll give it up in ten years and I'll be fine"

The most important advance in science will be reversing aging so we can all chain smoke in perpetuity
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ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Craner on the mic, Luka on the buttons.


It's uncanny!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
does actually look exactly like us. craner are we sure that it's not us?
Could be an old-style VICE article. "I smoked so much DMT I accidentally joined Extinction Rebellion and then forgot about it until I saw a photo of myself on the internet."


Wasn't it great being so young that you could chain smoke and think "I'll give it up in ten years and I'll be fine"

The most important advance in science will be reversing aging so we can all chain smoke in perpetuity

Smoking and drinking at the same time in a club was so good. I miss it a lot whenever i think about it, actually

Not vapes, they're shit; proper big horrible snouts out of a box

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Smoking and drinking at the same time in a club was so good. I miss it a lot whenever i think about it, actually

Not vapes, they're shit; proper big horrible snouts out of a box
Plus, if you were in a club that wasn't run by total cunts, you could often get away with smoking a spliff, too.


bandz ahoy
I enjoy doing that at festivals but the issue is I end up smoking a whole joint in fifteen minutes and end up with acute paranoia