Aliens: Do they exist?

Aliens: Do they exist?

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ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
There's a section in that Fernanda Melchor book I mentioned yesterday where she talks about her and her brother getting heavily into UFOs when they were kids after seeing lights in the sky on a beach in Mexico. They started following this crank, watching his film on VHS all the time and buying UFO comics. Her dad hated it and would complain about them taking this idiot seriously. Eventually their mum took them back to the beach, but it wasn't the same as it was full of people and TV crews all hoping to see something.

Years later she realised they weren't aliens, they were narco planes.


cat malogen
Fun read

Question 3: I havent read everything in detail but can you expend on the document on their religion?

EBOs believe that the soul is not an extension of the individual, but rather a fundamental characteristic of nature that expresses itself as a field, not unlike gravity. In the presence of life, this field acquires complexity, resulting in negative entropy if that makes sense. This gain in complexity is directly correlated with the concentration of living organisms in a given location. With time, and with the right conditions, life in turn becomes more complex until the appearance of sentient life. After reaching this threshold, the field begins to express itself through these sentient beings, forming what we call the soul. Through their life experiences, sentient beings will in turn influence the field in a sort of positive feedback loop. This in turn further accelerates the complexity of the field. Eventually, when the field reaches a "critical mass", there will be a sort of apotheosis. It's not clear what this means in practical terms, but this quest for apotheosis seems to be the EBOs main motivation.

The author of the document added his reflections and interpretations as an appendix. He specified that, for them, the soul field is not a belief but an obvious truth. He also argues that the soul loses its individuality after death, but that memory and experience persist as part of the field. This fact would influence the philosophy and culture of EBOs, resulting in a society that doesn't fear death but which places no importance or reverence on individuality. This "belief" compels them to seed life, shape it, nurture it, monitor it and influence it for the ultimate purpose of creating this apotheosis. Paradoxically, they have little or no respect for an individual's well-being.


i think they are all night,
i just remembered when i was going to bed about 1, and sat out for 10 minutes and saw 2 - i never seen shooting stars as bright
those were not perseids btw, they were flying fag butts from teh bulgarian neighbours upstairs


Victory lap

Here is a summary of the key points from the text:

According to an anonymous source, aliens known as the Ganzi have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. They are very technologically advanced compared to humans. The Ganzi apparently don't care much about humanity, they are just focused on something happening on Earth.

The source claims the Ganzi have warned that if humans engage in nuclear war, they will intervene. They have technology far beyond what humans possess and have shot down military jets that got too close.

Videos and documents allegedly show President Biden has met with the Ganzi and been briefed on their technology. The government and private companies are trying to reverse engineer Ganzi technology with limited success.

The source says more evidence will be revealed at an upcoming Congressional hearing on UFOs/UAPs. They warn the Ganzi should not be taken lightly and say humanity is in danger. More details on the aliens' technology and motives are promised.

Overall, it makes dramatic claims about technologically superior aliens visiting Earth and world governments covering it up. It says full disclosure is imminent.


pass the sick bucket
Forget statistics and probabilities. What does your gut say? Is there intelligent life beyond this planet?


The materialist hypothesis necessitates that this is a very likely possibility. Unsurprising to see rudewhy vote no.
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pass the sick bucket
In the initial chapter, Qur’an describes Allah as the Lord of the “worlds”, which is a direct notation to the possibility of other worlds that we have no idea of. We could see the traditional interpretations of Qur’an trying to provide unsuitably far meanings because they had limitations in their material knowledge. Allah says: “And He creates what you know not” (16:8). In another verse, Qur’ân mentions:
“Among His signs are the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has dispersed throughout them (heaven and earth): he has the power to gather the altogether whenever He wills” (Shurah – 29).
Here “living creature” is denoted by the word دَآبَّة which would linguistically exclude both Jinns and Angels. Therefore, the statement ‘living creatures throughout heavens’ can be an indication towards the existence of aliens. For a very natural question – “Is this 93 billion light-years wide universe created for this tiny humankind?”- Qur’ân says: “We did not idly create the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them” (Dukhan – 38). The modern interpretation of the verse “We have honoured Humankind beyond many of Our creatures”, has a similar implication. In this anthropocentric Earth, it is evident that there is no creature that has a hand over us, so there have to be some creatures whom Allah has recognized with similar or higher dignity, as the verse states that Humankind is not above ‘all’ of his creations.
Ibn Thaymiyya, a renowned Islamic scholar, suggests that the name “Khallāq” of Allah means ‘who creates continuously’, and there is every possibility that He has or is creating similar living beings like us. So, he argues that the conception of aliens is not only plausible by Islam, but it also compliments the implications of divine attributes. Similarly, Ibn Arabi makes this same argument. In his famous work, ‘Futhuhath al-Makkiyah’ he reports a prophetic quoting which goes like “there were more than thousands of Adams before Adam (A) was created”, even though the credibility of this hadith is at stake, this could be a clue to the existence of non-human intelligent beings.
Can aliens be Muslims? Qur’an says that everything in the universe will be subjected to Almighty Allah, the eternal Creator. The Arabic word ‘Muslim’ is derived from the root word ‘aslama’ (أَسْلَمَ) which is a direct translation of ‘to surrender’, so Muslim literally means ‘the one who had surrendered to Allah’, and Islam means ‘submission’. Therefore, in every intelligent society, no matter where they are, there will be Muslims. Because Allah had said: “We surely sent a messenger to every community” (16:36). Likewise, the conceptions of the multiverse and higher-dimension beings are not unconditionally denied by Islam. Even though Ibn Arabi had theorized Jinns to be higher-dimensional beings, they exist on Earth, so technically they are not aliens. To assume the possible existence of aliens is more probable, in Islamic theology than concluding that everything Allah has ever created is merely for this ephemeral tenure of humankind.


Here is a summary of the key points from the text:

According to an anonymous source, aliens known as the Ganzi have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. They are very technologically advanced compared to humans. The Ganzi apparently don't care much about humanity, they are just focused on something happening on Earth.

The source claims the Ganzi have warned that if humans engage in nuclear war, they will intervene. They have technology far beyond what humans possess and have shot down military jets that got too close.

Videos and documents allegedly show President Biden has met with the Ganzi and been briefed on their technology. The government and private companies are trying to reverse engineer Ganzi technology with limited success.

The source says more evidence will be revealed at an upcoming Congressional hearing on UFOs/UAPs. They warn the Ganzi should not be taken lightly and say humanity is in danger. More details on the aliens' technology and motives are promised.

Overall, it makes dramatic claims about technologically superior aliens visiting Earth and world governments covering it up. It says full disclosure is imminent

Considering the physics required for intergalactic travel they must be so far advanced that they definitely verge on complete indifference to humanity. An intergalactic property magnate bought our solar system as a toy for his nephew, a little experimental kit for his 6544327th birthday, not even the main present just another wee thing “oh I almost forgot, you might not even like it…..”


cat malogen
Rice U is J Kripal et al

intriguing study scope but when folks indulge Whitley Streiber you have to think wtf is this bloke’s (WS) agenda, eg Supernatural, an awful book but unputdownable

This guy asked people all over the world which type of alien they encountered and got pretty much the same proportions everywhere, suggesting that it's a real phenomenon rather than a culturally constructed delusion.

The distinction between real phenomenon and culturally constructed delusion can get slippery though can’t it? They bleed into one another, cultural narratives have a strong hold on the conceptual framework we use to make sense of very strange individual experiences. See flashbacks as a symptom of PTSD becoming common after cinematic depiction? A new art form or concept opens certain experiences to be articulated en masse and that mass has a kind of gravitational pull or homogenising effect, or a lock in on how that phenomena is expressed from that point on


The distinction between real phenomenon and culturally constructed delusion can get slippery though can’t it? They bleed into one another, cultural narratives have a strong hold on the conceptual framework we use to make sense of very strange individual experiences. See flashbacks as a symptom of PTSD becoming common after cinematic depiction? A new art form or concept opens certain experiences to be articulated en masse and that mass has a kind of gravitational pull or homogenising effect, or a lock in on how that phenomena is expressed from that point on
In this chap's case, he looked at how common sightings of the different types of alien were in different parts of the world and got roughly the same splits everywhere (eg. 20% greys, 30% lizards etc). If culture were highly influential, the share of each alien type would be different as the world isn't getting the same uniform cultural input (and some of the alien types are not very common in media)...that's my take, anyway.