Are You Shy?


Well-known member
Tbh that actually sounds really good. I think at that age I was going a bit mental


Well-known member
I worry about how Im going to renter into the social sphere. I like having friends, parties to go to, but Im also incredibly cynical and would rather do anything else. Last time I was regularly social I was contributing to The Scene which made it feel just slightly less vapid, enough to participate, but Im not sure how to go about it without that.

What does Contributing to The Scene mean? Sounds sinister


Well-known member
I love the weed binge. But I never sustain it for more than a couple weeks, get bored I guess. The beauty of weed is that its the only drug you can do constantly all day without negative effects.


Well-known member
not nearly as immediate. you drink beer/do uppers all day and you'll feel like death if not that night certainly the next day. Like Ive said Ive never been perma stoned longer than a couple weeks so maybe theres some threshold after


Well-known member
It's true you'll never feel like death. You'll feel pretty good but there are some insidious side effects


we used to make "lungs" which are kind like portable buckets, and just smash them repeatedly before nights out. I can't even imagine doing that now, it would be like a kind of nightmare


Well-known member
You lose that sense of vulnerability from being stoned all the time thoug. Operating in that space becomes normal


Well-known member
What is shyness? Fear of rejection? Getting it wrong? Not being able to uphold your end of the performance? Being misunderstood?


Well-known member
The worst was getting offered dabs at a party when you're too drunk to know better. The rest of the night becomes some torturous, clandestine clown act where you smile through the turmoil like a stepford wife on a high dose of prozac


Well-known member
@sufi forced me to get stoned last time I saw him he always does. I'd had a couple of bottles of wine and I felt fine but when I tried to cycle home I couldn't make the bike go straight. I was just weaving. It was terrible.


Well-known member
Sensing a disproportionate amount of unfavorable social outcomes, hence playing it conservatively out of necessity. Learned, after being stuck under the wave for too long. Then you bolster/reify it by identifying it, as if you were meant to be stuck under the wave.

Something about getting trapped in someone else's negative image of you