Soul, the disneyfication


Banks were frequently state-run in Ye Olde Days; "branches" has been used as a metaphor for a thousand kinds of human organization from the military to government; "stream" is a tech term that predates a marketable Internet; and the Soviet frickin Union stole the color red too.

Language is built on metaphors: our entire digital world is built on metaphors (because it's new and unfamiliar, we must make sense of it through analogy to the familiar). Documents, copy-paste, mice, server, desktops, clouds. None of this has anything to do with that persistent scapegoat "capitalism" (or its brother-concept "neoliberalism").
Then, on March 10, 2019, the board of ICANN approved the TLD .amazon, against the protests of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization and the governments of South America representing the Amazon Basin. The vote was the result of seven years of deliberations and process, with governments arguing that a company shouldn’t get the name of geographic region and Jeff Bezos’ Amazon arguing that it had complied with all of the required processes.


Well-known member

This is why I'm looking forward to the new live-action remake of The Little Mermaid where Halle of Chloe x Halle plays Ariel - there's no reason why a half-human sea creature can't be black, yet watching people twist their fingers in outrage because it's not correct, it's some great trolling of the right on the part of Disney.


bandz ahoy
Will they change these lyrics though

"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
It's possible she wants you too
There's one way to ask her
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl (kiss the girl)"


Will they change these lyrics though

"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
It's possible she wants you too
There's one way to ask her
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl (kiss the girl)"
are you suggesting that they should be cancellated for sex crimes too?


Nope I will not back down, nope I will not concede I'm "nitpicking" or being pedantic

Lazy "capitalism be like" for things that have nothing to do with capitalism is: ubiquitous, basic, and boring—in short, bad culture—and this forum oughta be better


Inb4 I get accused of giving a shit about capitalism

NO, this is about EPISTEMIC INTEGRITY. People get their impressions of reality from the social map we build IN PUBLIC. Don't build it lazily or pretty soon you've pilled an entire generation on a pile of rubbish. Representation is not a neutral act—the map acts cybernetically on the territory—continental philosophers know this well (Derrida, Bourdieu, Foucault, Lyotard, etc).


Well-known member
You don't have to be Dissensus Capitalism Defender you know. You can just be one of the lads.


Well-known member
i agree with you suspendedreason but i never got the impression than this forum is about what's true first

more something about what's exciting first and maybe then you could say what's exciting is true because it gets its excitement from being true in some way or other