
There are parts of this I think are silly, but

In general it's hard for me to take issue with any cultural technology that

1) diversifies options

2) is voluntarily chosen

3) takes a different strategic approach from the dominant culture

So in that spirit, even insofar as I don't identify as trad, I support trad diversification!​

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I grew up with these Hungarian-Pakistani brothers who went on to be career criminals. They were my next door neighbours we used to play football together, pro-wrestling etc
You had a great story that involved their mum, but I can't remember whether they scammed her, or she was in on one of their schemes.


Padraig does not support diversity or free choice

Even though all the science about ecosystems says: monoculture bad

Still, he wants to impose his progressive worldview top-down on everyone

operation "True and only heaven" he calls it​
And it always rears up when there's been some expansion of power - suffrage or otherwise - to parts of society who didn't have it before and/or in the wake of some great national trauma. A return to the golden age. Palingenetic rebirth. We've been over this many times.

This is how I see it, a retreat to safety and comfort after technological expansion, especially with those who had power, and they can easily end up finding sympathy and numbers and a willing ear in the very bad racist stuff. Its quite cowardly, in the same way we see twee and indie as cowardly


This board is literally a space where folks in their middleage go to fret about Big Tech and the collapse of democracy

I agree—allying with xenophobes and nationalists out of fear is bad, and I hereby ceremonially damn everyone who does so


This seems separate from the question of whether there's a form of "legitimate" trad impulse, to reclaim lost institutions or values or ways of life

And, specifically, which path the cases cited upthread take

That I think we can and should talk about;

disagree @shiels?​


he's right about necrophilia tho

If I wanna fuck my dead daughter, who exactly is the victim?

(assume her mother is deceased as well)​
well for me its less about a dead person getting fucked - more about managing the type of mind who wants to fuck dead people - the type who asks a psychopathic question like 'whos the victim'


Well-known member
Gus said he's autistic not psychopathic although he hasn't produced the records to prove it and, when you think about it, that is exactly the sort of lie a psychopath would tell


Well-known member
center alignment, show girls avi, pro-necrophillia suspended is his ultimate form, the logical conclusion to his whole persona. like when Lebron finally got a jumper. has any other user maxed out their potential in this way?