
bandz ahoy
can't believe when i tried to mock linebaugh i called him "limeburger" or something when suspended immediately hit on "lamebaugh"


bandz ahoy
classic fussy dainty lewis carrolly english humour vs straight down the middle right into the balls american humor


Well-known member
your rigourous wanking regime coupled with heavy class a drug use and lack of sleep gave you a corpse like appearance. pale greenish flesh, attenuated, haunted looking, dark circles under the eyes.


The thing I most admire about Linebaugh is that he's a wife guy. He got married very young not out of impulsive conformity, but out of a sense of seriousness. He's a very serious person—you wouldn't guess this from his online or in-person presence, because he is a laid back cool guy.


He would never give you a sermon, but he has a strong sense of faith. I don't know a better word. Not a religious faith, a commitment to the good life, a belief that moral goodness and happiness are connected.

He has taken the better parts of punk disavowal and boho-hedonism and flavored his life with them. Yes, his hair is cheeto-colored, but he uses cheeto powder as a spice atop a solid base of protein in all his meals. Does this make any sense? While his peers just eat cheetos and sugary cereals. Figuratively speaking. They think he is one of them, because of the bright cheeto color. But in fact he's also eating a very solid meal.


He recognizes the necessary interplay between structure and freedom. He pays his dues to both. He is a Dialectical Man. He has layers, like a lasagna.


You also see this in the literature he reads. Very serious stuff! It's "hip" it has good taste he can hang with literati hipsters. Burroughs, Pynchon. But then you look closer at the shelves. Imperial by William Vollmann?? That is a serious person book. That is a book you select only if you have serious ethical commitments.


This is attested to even in the city of his residence, Chicago. If he were in LA or New York or Mexico City you could accuse him of trend-chasing, clout-chasing, being another lightweight 20-something. Chicago is a serious person city. A city with a midwestern protestant backbone. It has the infrastructure, culture, arts, universities, population of a big city, but lacks the flash of its coastal peers. You have to be able to survive hellish windy winters, it doesn't have the shallow hedonism of southern California or the sunbelt.