
Well-known member
i mean i don't know where the term comes from, and i've got no evidence for this, but i feel pretty sure that the 'marxism' bit is just in there (or has been transmitted in a memetic sense) because it sounds like communism to a lot of people
You can't really read any sort of critique without at least indirectly engaging with some aspect of Marxism. I'm struggling to think of a French theorist who didn't at some point pass through it, even if they later tried to distance themselves.
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Well-known member
I agree.

I just don't think the right's misunderstanding of the left is any more egregious than vice-versa. They're both sorta right and grasping at something but it's out of their frame of reference. To be fair members of each side would also struggle to identify their own fault and battlelines. I think grouping people is hard, you need to both be a somewhat insider (or at least lurker) AND need to be analytically inclined and alienated enough to actually do live sociology on your own tribe. It's a hard thing and I don't wanna nitpick or dunk on people because it's too easy to. And there is something important they're grasping at with these terms, on all sides. There's some real thing and everyone who adopts it sorta understands what it is, which is why they adopt it in the first place, they finally have a way to talk about something that previously had no name. Betty Friedan, of all people, speaks quite a bit on this in Feminine Mystique, what a breakthrough it is just to be able to put a word on your adversary. This is why Ghostbusters is a better metaphor than the Matrix.
dare you to say this to all the trans women on twitter who are still pulling apart their own thoughts and feelings on the most recent Matrix movie


Well-known member
My university never had any of the idpol/cancel culture bullshit happen and honestly alot of that stuff seems like its goes on in unis a good distance away from mine and at places that carry a higher degree of "respect" i think cause i'm part of the first generation that had to pay raised tuition fees and saw friends denied the opportunity to consider going and took up apprenticeships as i made my way to lectures and lessons with the constant feeling that i should just quit the feeling of skepticism was palpable for me .

also unlike @wektor i don't have a weekly vegetable subscription and have littered as far as romanticising eating morleys and liking "nice things" you'll have to explain what you mean by that cause my mind thinks of Steven Universe and people who infantilise they're pets "fur babies/heckin doggos" and all that other fart i want nothing to do with and i don't care bout morleys cause i'm not from South London i know there's one up in North London now and i still don't care


Well-known member
what is interesting is those were (and still are, possibly) multiple cultures under one umbrella, each with their own dialect and so on, depending on the board.
I'm almost certain the crowds would mix less than expected, as much as the main language the dialects would spring off from would stay the same
a couple people who i've spoken to who used to use 4chan and spend time on places like /mu now sound like old broken down hardcore guys who miss "the old new york" by that they mean the days when you could go to clubs with boxcutters and 8balls in socks.

I can understand all this talk about dialectics and people playing with coding numeric language and stuff like that but i cannot mentally shift from the fact that that place bred up more pedos and neo-nazis than anybody can mentally count and its only gotten deeper since then SomethingAwful of course was the wellspring of where alot of this sprouted from (so now we have alot of people in their mid 30s who have the internet forum equivalent of catholic guilt about the fact that their lives would've been so much different if they weren't on there) and not only that Lowtax who founded the place squandered and self-sabotaged every oppertunity he had to just sell the thing and coast of the royalties for the remainder of his days.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I can understand all this talk about dialectics and people playing with coding numeric language and stuff like that but i cannot mentally shift from the fact that that place bred up more pedos and neo-nazis than anybody can mentally count and its only gotten deeper since then SomethingAwful of course was the wellspring of where alot of this sprouted from (so now we have alot of people in their mid 30s who have the internet forum equivalent of catholic guilt about the fact that their lives would've been so much different if they weren't on there) and not only that Lowtax who founded the place squandered and self-sabotaged every oppertunity he had to just sell the thing and coast of the royalties for the remainder of his days.
Now there's a name from the past. I used to read stuff on SomethingAwful quite regularly, although I never got involved in the forum side of it. Their reviews of terrible films, games and so on were generally pretty funny.

Last I heard they did some big public apology for relentlessly roasting the furry community for years, although I couldn't really tell whether that was a massive wind-up in itself.


Well-known member
You can't really read any sort of critique without at least indirectly engaging with some aspect of Marxism. I'm struggling to think of a French theorist who didn't at some point pass through it, even if they later tried to distance themselves.
marxism captured the the entire critical ground, all of the space designated for the opposition.


Well-known member
Now there's a name from the past. I used to read stuff on SomethingAwful quite regularly, although I never got involved in the forum side of it. Their reviews of terrible films, games and so on were generally pretty funny.

Last I heard they did some big public apology for relentlessly roasting the furry community for years, although I couldn't really tell whether that was a massive wind-up in itself.
Lowtax is dead now, shot himself last year and if i remember right it was to do with child support that and multiple domestic violence cases

the infos out there if you're interested in looking it up (expect to see alot of vitriol directed towards him aswell)


Well-known member
Apparently he built a section of the forum called 'Furry Concentration Camp' and only allowed them to post in there then eventually banned them all and changed the name to 'The Gas Chamber'.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Lowtax is dead now, shot himself last year and if i remember right it was to do with child support that and multiple domestic violence cases

the infos out there if you're interested in looking it up (expect to see alot of vitriol directed towards him aswell)
Shit, I had no idea. What a fuck-up.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps

“I'm obviously not a visionary, but I predicted that the internet would be shitty back in 1999,” Kyanka told Motherboard in 2017. “Everybody was talking about how the internet was going to revolutionize everything and everything was going to be great, but nobody ever talked about how shitty the internet could also be.”

*Adam Curtis voice*

"But instead, something quite different happened..."


get the fuck you mean @sufi have you been going to that fucking Taco Bell down Gladstone Avenue? you're so glad i don't know what you look like cause i'd have to take it from your hands and dash in the middle of the road smh

A fi mi garrison dat and i've never been inside or bought anything from there
You would be doing us a favour, we will head for chopstix noodles together


Well-known member
i do find it sort of cool though that Bengalis have been the bedrock of the resturaunt industry for so long that they can cook any type of cuisine from fried chicken to sushi. they've got all the recipes.