
Anywhere women encounter men has the potential for danger. It's not hard to picture a bunch of nerdy chess guys creeping on any women who turn up.
Surely a strong independent woman would be easily able to fend off weedy chess nerds.

Hasn't chess done enough by making the queen so improbably powerful, with even the power of reincarnation through the sacrifice of a 'pawn' i.e. incel?


If there's no difference between the female and male chess players and 13% are female, the chance of none of the top 100 being female is 0.0000009, so there is a difference.

The difference might be greater male obsessiveness but also chess is a lopsided mind game which taps male cognitive strengths especially spatial reasoning; scrabble taps more skills and consequently has high female participation and several top 100 players.

Scrabble does not fetishise minority male participation through male-only competitions.

Shahade cites a psychologist telling her that there are more extremely able men; men are certainly over-represented in the top ranks of academic and cerebral competition (poetry competitions are a notable exception to this rule). Men are more aggressive and take more risks too, which probably helps, but also makes it more likely they will impose themselves socially on the unwilling.

Obv there is loads of research into comparative male and female cognitive strengths; just as Trans engagement may end up similarly proscribed on account of ineradicable essential cognitive differences.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
If there's no difference between the female and male chess players and 13% are female, the chance of none of the top 100 being female is 0.0000009, so there is a difference.

The difference might be greater male obsessiveness but also chess is a lopsided mind game which taps male cognitive strengths especially spatial reasoning; scrabble taps more skills and consequently has high female participation and several top 100 players.

Scrabble does not fetishise minority male participation through male-only competitions.

Shahade cites a psychologist telling her that there are more extremely able men; men are certainly over-represented in the top ranks of academic and cerebral competition (poetry competitions are a notable exception to this rule). Men are more aggressive and take more risks too, which probably helps, but also makes it more likely they will impose themselves socially on the unwilling.

Obv there is loads of research into comparative male and female cognitive strengths; just as Trans engagement may end up similarly proscribed on account of ineradicable essential cognitive differences.


Maybe it's time for a boycott of all those wholier-than-you labels, ie Ninja Tune, Mexican Summer etc etc:

It's hard to tell whether they themselves are holier-than-thou or that they are trying to avoid the existential threat from other people that are definitely holier-than-thou. I would imagine their ironically attention-grabbing promo famine would not placate the zealots and that they will have to shelve the album completely.

I wonder if Pharma throws $$$$ at PR agencies to manufacture apparently offended people.


or you could just wear a badge saying "I believe any stupid shit really"
Pharma spends the most on political lobbying, for instance, of any industry, so why not? The last thing they want is the left to have rediscovered its suspicion of Pharma.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Pharma spends the most on political lobbying, for instance, of any industry, so why not? The last thing they want is the left to have rediscovered its suspicion of Pharma.
Sounds like you're demanding better regulation of the industry, then...?

Uh oh!





Well-known member
Maybe it's time for a boycott of all those wholier-than-you labels, ie Ninja Tune, Mexican Summer etc etc:

Oh ay yo Little Critter stop bein' a Raspberry Head for once, ya kna that roisin murphy is pastiche disco and 'as produced nuffin' Robin's, even that Park Bench Dodge And Swerve thomas bangolter utterly annihilates 'er, wot use is boycottin' a label for sum weirdo 'oo snorts ye old Charlie in ibiza and takes the bleadin' mickey finn on stage , for 'er fans? doin' the arthur n all. the power moment from sound system chicken, 'e 'eard jeff mills x-102 eruption, in this regard, when bacardi breezer, Damien Hirst, , it reminded 'im of the 80s days, footie 'ooliganism, jazz funk teenager in 'amburger, 'oo 'ad a sla deep long gobstoppa, slept wif ffor'y year old madam after fightin' bayern munich ex and was taught the gnostic secrets of the meat which cleans the Crust of Bread wif a relentless Beggar Boys Face beatin'. that should be the ambition for ya Hoppin' Pot, not ter earwig ter antiquated pseudo-disco loike sum bloody idiot from the old ICF stuck in 'is gary phase with the anal seig heil.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Was just gonna stop by to mention a couple things, then skimmed the last few pages and jesus fucking christ
Note how any "compromises" made in sports, prisons, shortlists etc will always be gains in favour of biological males, not females.
They don't want compromise though. If it was just a matter of matter of pronouns or whatever no one would really give a shit.

I'd hope that at the close of play, however long that takes, we could go back to that, but the demands have been ramped up to such an insane level and so many people have been implicated in their support of it, that I don't really see an end to it.

Once you've publicly advocated for or supported surgeries and hormones for young people, there's no going back even if you later regret it, you have to double down. And so it goes on...
First off, transphobes lose their shit constantly about "pronouns or whatever". The latest flash point is toxic gamer bros losing their mind about a science fiction video game letting you pick pronouns in character creation, but if you spend two minutes lookoing at any random selection of TERF/GC Twitter accounts, FB groups, whatever, it will be full of complaints about pronouns and trolls telling any trans adult "you'll always be a man/woman", "you're mentally ill", "there's no such thing as transgender" etc ad inf.

Second, more importantly, a key tenet of TERF ideology - probably its central tenet, if you're familiar enough with the 70s radical feminism from which it descends - is gatekeeping womanhood, not only from trans women, but from any woman who doesn't embody or agree with that ideology. It's most crudely expressed - like, extremely crudely, coming from nominally high-minded academic types - against trans women, but it also includes any woman who chooses to do sex work, or to present in a traditionally feminine way, or who disagrees with TERFs/SWERFs.

Two things follow from that - one, the claim that cis women have to protected from men in everything because they are inferior to men in everything. Chess, Esports, beauty pageants (yes), doesn't matter. Another, this complaint about trans women taking up limited spaces instead of recognizing that the common problem is patriarchy, and that feminism and trans rights should be (and are, outside of TERFs) allies in the struggle against patriarchy to create more spaces for all women, cis and trans. TERFs would rather ally with literal Nazis, ultramisogynist trad bros, and religious fanatics to oppress trans people than ally with them to fight patriarchy.

And finally, a cis dude telling trans people they should be happy with "their pronouns or whatever", fuck right off lmao. It's the same thing as telling gay people be happy you're out of the closet, now stop asking for equal rights and to be respected as full human beings with bodily autonomy like anyone else.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
if you have a few years of transes going in womens toilets without doing rapes and that, probably women will get used to it and go along with it. just a weird looking person invisble in a cubicle doing a poo. you need to test it out and see what happens.
Typical luka flippancy aside, that data already exists. Ireland has had self-identification of gender since 2015, and it has gone just fine. New Zealand signed it into law two years ago, went into effect this June, and again, fine.

The idea that someone would transition in order to get access to a women's bathroom to commit sexual assault is so dumb and absurd that it could only be held by people who have never, yunno, talked to an actual trans person. They just want to safely take a shit in peace. And convsersely, the idea that a picture of a stick figure in a dress will stop someone who wants to commit sexual assault is equally absurd. You know who rapes women 99.99...% of the time? Cis men.

The main bathroom laws accomplish is an air of paranoia where people try to clock anyone they think might be trans. Infamously back when North Carolina passed the first U.S. bathroom law in 2016 - universally condemned at the time, which shows you where we're at now - there was a case where some Karen called the cops on a fairly butch cis woman using a women's bathroom.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
It's the gang with the puberty blockers, the 'let's change sex at school without telling the parents', the nursery pupil gender identity forms, who made it a children problem. They are the obsessed ones.
dude I know your whole thing is being like the worst person ever, but there is a currently a massive assault - granted, concocted by right-wing think tank strategists, and full of astroturfed bullshit like Gays Against Groomers, but still - on trans ppl, queer ppl, drag queens, and cis straight allies, labeling any support for any minor who wants to transition, and often just the act of being trans, queer, or doing drag, as "grooming". and RW Twitter and Internet more broadly has been obsessed with pedophilia for many years. and, pedophilia has been the go-to conservative slur against queer people really since they forced their way out of the closet. Anita fucking Bryant's motto was Save Our Children in the 1970s.

it's important for kids to be able to being themselves because it's often unsafe for them to be out at home, whether that's the risk of being thrown out and/or physical abuse etc

incidentally, "transing" is a verb made up by transphobes to describe a thing that doesn't exist. it's the modern equivalent of gays will recruit your children, just like almost every anti-trans talking point is a rehash of homophobic talking points of decades past.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
also, as always, the claim that transphobes are motivated by care for children or the supposed sexualization of children rather than yunno, transphobia, is revealed as total bullshit by the fact that they are totally silent about the rampant sexualization of children in things like child beauty pageants etc, and surgeries done on intersex infants and children which, unlike gender-affirming care, are totally nonconsensual

things which, you may notice, reinforce rather than challenge the gender binary

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Fucksake. The thread is about the war on all these people - that is real
There’s plenty of other threads where you can be some kind of cunt airing your prejudices and taking unwarranted pops at other posters.
I think the last few weeks has seen Dissensus at its worst (and I’ve been on here for a very long time.)
it's extremely grim. who knew this place would up as a soundboard for TERFs and alt-right shitheels?

thanks to jenks @DannyL @sufi @subvert47 @thirdform for standing up against this tidal wave of bullshit in my absence

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
The danger isn't from men saying they're women necessarily, it's from men in general who are given access as a result of the policy changes. disingenuous activists claim that women concerned about losing their spaces are calling trans people predators, but the concern is that once inner feelings are the only criteria for entry to that space, any predatory men can enter unchallenged. and they obviously will. and then in some cases the authorities just skip to the end and call them unisex with predictable results

See upthread. Ireland, New Zealand, Finland, Denmark, Argentina, Malta, etc all have self-ID. None have experienced a wave of sexual assault. It's a bullshit scare tactic.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Pharma spends the most on political lobbying, for instance, of any industry, so why not? The last thing they want is the left to have rediscovered its suspicion of Pharma.
wait sorry, who was it again who relentlessly went after the Sacklers for initiating the opioid crisis and coopting large swathes of the medical industry to push Oxycontin at a level that immensely dwarfs the puberty blockers and HRT?

cos it sure as hell wasn't Matt Walsh and co

ofc the pharmaceutical industry is rapacious and awful. sometimes the alternative is worse. mass death from pandemic, worse. people having to unsafely black-market source their own hormones, worse. recognizing the alternative is worse is not an endorsement of the pharmaceutical industry being great. this is one of the dumber transphobic arguments, which is going some.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
it's extremely grim. who knew this place would up as a soundboard for TERFs and alt-right shitheels?
it really is grim to see a thread devoted to an assault that is literally forcing families to flee, and wrecking lives in its wake, have an attempted takeover by TERF bullshit

Canada just put out a travel warning for LGBTQ+ Canadians traveling to the U.S.

A GC person tweeted "At least the Taliban know what a woman is" and JK Rowling liked it and is now currently threatening to sue anyone who publicizes that already public fact

this is real and it's happening right now and mfers want to come in and try to deny trans people's right to exist. fuck that.