The best Basslines


always been very drawn to the Peter Hook approach, although he’s not even the best to have done it (gotta hand tunes like “Age of Consent” and “Disorder” to him, though). Basslines full of pathos that dominate the melodic space, nearly relegating the guitar to mere ornament.

I saw something the other day about how the bassline from Blue Monday was greatly inspired by (ie stolen from) a Morricone tune... For A Few Dollars More I think.


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Scientist - Drum Song Dub

reggae can offer some pretty good bass lines

this is not the HEAVIEST EVER, but it's still pretty damn hypnotic, and IMHO it's up there with the "best"

My favourite Scientist one is from Wins The World Cup. Dangerous Match One. I can make it on my computer with a delay plugin and three or so notes as well.


cat malogen
On a genuine note, the simple repetition of the below will always signal bass enchantment like a snake charmer, the forms all the respective surrounding notes and shimmering chromatics take around it
