kid charlemagne

Well-known member
Stanley oh so manly he thinks I’m a square,
Brandy breathed bastard bemoans my entire being,
I’ll piss on your golden gate commune then grab my Joan didion


Well-known member
I thought Nosferatu was excellent.

All the scenes with the gypsies especially strong.

The scene where he's at the crossroads and the carriage arrives, very painterly.

Willem Dafoe's entrance, the whole "Agrippa, Paracelsus" bit. Dafoe is seriously on form rn. In so many good things. Done about 10 ferraras, was in poor things, now this.

I liked how it was a bit hammy at times: harrowing possession scene, cut to the lads smoking pipes in the drawing room.

And the plague rats. That whole bit felt like a send up of the pandemic.

I like how he seemed to send the story somewhere else, not that I ever read Dracula. I have seen the herzog and murnau versions, but too long ago.

There's a good Ian svenonius essay on vampires/Dracula, where he talks about it as being about eugenics/master race stuff, clash of British vision of empire (divide and conquer) vs austro-hungarian (bring everyone in and mix em up) but what I liked about this film is that he kept it very much about her sacrifice.

Gonna have to go back and rewatch the lighthouse, which I dnf first time. But recently rewatched the Northman and thought it was even better than first time.

I like how he's got his tongue firmly in his cheek, not taking it too seriously. My kind of horror director.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Gonna have to go back and rewatch the lighthouse, which I dnf first time.

I wasn't keen the first time either. Enjoyed it more second time round when I watched it with a group one Christmas and people were drinking. It's got that raucous, booze-drenched atmosphere that lends itself to that kind of viewing. It's a bit like a Beckett thing too. Just these two odd characters trapped in a single location, talking in riddles, talking past each other.


One I missed last year that looks interesting (for a minute I thought it was that Cronenberg thing when I saw her lying down with the machine hovering over her like that). Anyone caught this?



Well-known member
Really enjoyed the cinema last night (Hyde Park Picture House in Leeds). Screen two so basically a big telly but it was sold out so just nice to be in a dark room with strangers.

They ve got the brutalist on and also nickel boys and baby girl look good.


Just realised people weren't joking when they said Brutalist was more than three and a half hours long... I like long films but that is really long.

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
One I missed last year that looks interesting (for a minute I thought it was that Cronenberg thing when I saw her lying down with the machine hovering over her like that). Anyone caught this?

top film of the year... highly recommend..... brutalist, i wasnt in love with, but its certainly worth the watch, especially in theaters

line b

Well-known member
Re: nosferatu- I liked the performances and dialogue a bit actually, was definitely the highlight for me.

But beyond that I had a similar impression. There was nothing really 'wrong' with it- I didn't think it looked drab but it also didn't look amazing which is a problem since the movie was trying very hard for a strong visual aesthetic- and just generally i felt it didn't hit hard enough. Was overly manicured to the point of falling flat. I left thinking 'that was a well made movie' but not really feeling too much.

Eggers last film, the Northman, had a really strong first 30 minutes- this methodical march forward where the viewer is winded briskly through a string of events like an amusement ride that leaves the world feeling both vast and claustrophobic- but then it negs on its initial promises and becomes a much more standard less interesting film. Nosferatu is a bit of shame because it rights the wrong of the Northman by maintaining the tone and feel of that first 30 minutes throughout its run time, but without any of the bombast.