Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Cities of the Red Night. Strange reading Burroughs writing like this after being so familiar with Naked Lunch and the cut ups. Reads a bit like Ballard's Crystal World atm and doesn't feel as fresh and exciting as something like Nova Express.
I loved this when I read it a few years ago. Should read it again.


I liked Cities of the Red Night... for me it was interesting enough in what it did with form, but, the form wasn't so abstract as to completely overwhelm an interesting story. Though, it occurs to me that maybe I should read Burroughs again cos really I've not read him since about 2,000.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I liked Cities of the Red Night... for me it was interesting enough in what it did with form, but, the form wasn't so abstract as to completely overwhelm an interesting story.
I bought The Soft Machine around the same time, and got a bit bogged down in what seem like, to be honest, page after page of smacked-out drug nonsense and random buggery. I mean, I can see how it was new and daring and necessary in 1960, but I did much prefer the more traditionally narrative-led (while obviously still weird as hell) CotRN.


Well-known member
I liked Cities of the Red Night... for me it was interesting enough in what it did with form, but, the form wasn't so abstract as to completely overwhelm an interesting story. Though, it occurs to me that maybe I should read Burroughs again cos really I've not read him since about 2,000.
there is no form is there? mind you im always oblivious to form. it's not something i ever notice.


is not like other people
what's become quite popular recently is the so-called "uncategorisable" book usually between journalism and autobiography


Well-known member
It's written in fragments, but chapter-sized fragments rather than the kind of fragmentation you get in the earlier stuff where it's on a sentence-by-sentence level.

You'll get a short chapter/section on a doctor in the jungle then he'll jump to a chapter on a pirate captain then one on a board meeting between a group of scientists. It's got the overall structure of something like Nova Express, but the sentences are straight rather than cut up.


its called having no imagination but wanting to write a book anyway
I dunno, I think it's like anything, if you're good you will make it good, but if you are trying to use it to disguise the fact you have nothing to say then people will through it easily enough.