
The film is set in 2006 when the state school intake for Oxbridge was sitting around 50% (as it had done throughout most of the 80s, 90s and 00s), it's only since 2017 that the intake percentages have swung away, somewhat dramatically, from the public schools (see here, page 4).
I get the impression that they are admitting more foreign students who may count as State: my college records indicate an increase from 10 to 20% of the undergraduate intake over the past 10 years. The data summaries on student origin at Oxbridge are not very forthcoming when it comes to this important distinction. Foreign students may also 'improve' the proportion of minority ethnic and/or deprived students; I wonder if somewhere like Poland counts as deprived.


Well-known member
Did you ever manage to sneak into All Souls? That place is inaccessible even if you are a student.
No I didn't. Went pretty systematically into most of the rest I think, but that one is harder obviously. I did see a lecture there advertised but didn't go, that could have been a way in. Another good example of exclusivity, exclusion


My gf threw a massive fit cos they wouldn't let her apply to All Souls cos her first degree was elsewhere. Still, John Redwood went there so it can't be that special.


Finished Saltburn... putting this here cos there is already a discussion rather than cos I loved it, but I dunno, started as Brideshead Revisited, turned into Teorama and then finished as one of the Ripley ones. I didn't hate it but the pacing seemed all wrong. The film is long but it felt so rushed like the last bit was on fast forward. I reckon I could have bought the plot if it had been done differently but cos of how it was handled I didn't. Why was Elspeth so into him, we only saw them talk once?

I always like seeing Oxford on film cos I grew up thereabouts but that's an entirely personal foible not a point I can defend.

Thoughts on that?


Well-known member
i watched butch cassidy and the sundance kid

I'm always struck by how much space there is in it. It feels as though there are huge stretches with no music, and almost no sound. You get the funny moments and the heists and shootouts, but you can feel the whole thing's overlooking an abyss. Great film.


Yesterday finally watched Family Plot which I think is the only Hitchcock film I've never seen. Weird film, in many ways something about it seems to anticipate Blood Simple which came only eight years later. Both have a kinda similar scene with a man and woman talking in a car driving at night.


Yesterday finally watched Family Plot which I think is the only Hitchcock film I've never seen. Weird film, in many ways something about it seems to anticipate Blood Simple which came only eight years later. Both have a kinda similar scene with a man and woman talking in a car driving at night.
Pile of wink


Finished Saltburn... putting this here cos there is already a discussion rather than cos I loved it, but I dunno, started as Brideshead Revisited, turned into Teorama and then finished as one of the Ripley ones. I didn't hate it but the pacing seemed all wrong. The film is long but it felt so rushed like the last bit was on fast forward. I reckon I could have bought the plot if it had been done differently but cos of how it was handled I didn't. Why was Elspeth so into him, we only saw them talk once?


Well-known member