Ah, I thought the big 5 was the useful model For CA. I remember PUA creeps going on about dark triad but surely it’s only a tiny amount of the population
Oh I get it now. The test might superficially be about dark triad traits but you gather all types of info on people and their FB friends


Well-known member
i think we were getting too close to the truth so he is trying to lead us away from the scent
Does anyone have stories of people who came back from long-term paranoia to being a little more grounded? What happened?


Well-known member
before i knew him though. he said he was in a really serious paranoid conspiratorial illuminati mindset for years but he took a lot of mushrooms in a forest in Japan and it cured him.
I think I remember you mentioning it before. He seems to have transcended the single conspiracy to some fractal every level Great Conspiracy. I think people can find balance again through a reestablishing trust somehow, or can learn to accept or surf the doubt and contingency


Well-known member
i dont mean oh im on drugs im paranoid. i mean an actual worldview you get stuck in for ages.
Around 19-20 maybe. Friends I had in america at that time entertained all kinds of shite, zeitgeist the film was out around then. I always retained enough skepticism to avoid tipping over into full evangelist but all that stuff was enough to darken my day-to-day experience for a while, knocks you off balance so you doubt everything. and daily drug use was absolutely a factor, and is a factor in the people I know who have gone off the edge a bit. It also happened at a time when i had a health scare, which exacerbated everything, a feeling of suspicion in my whole body. One of the things that grounded me again was good info and care that took me through that.
Absolutely. Daily smokers won't hear it though. There's only two positions you can take on it: source of all evil or cure all, there's no in between.