Getting banned


Well-known member
ok. i hear you loud and clear. i'm glad people have shown some idea as to what a pain in the ass the whole thing can be sometimes.

michael if you want to apologise to dave from me. please explain that hell_sd has tried all manner of cunning ruses to get back on the forum. stooping as low as what is described as "shopping" in parenting manuals ;) (ie appealing to different people behind the others backs...)

it appears dave may be long gone anyway. if you want to blame anyone though blame the tossbags who make the whole ugly business of moderating necessary in the first place.

the disadvantage of allowing dave's IP back on is of course that we unlease the possiblility of a return of undisputed hell........


fwiw: after "undisputed_truth" got banned, he came on as another ID and sent me a PM, basically blaming me for "getting him banned", but in the end, with a slightly apologetic tone. i can't remember what the new ID was, but it wasn't "dave." it was something much weirder...


Bring out the vacuum
Thanks Woebot, sincerely appreciated. I've had to do moderation of various kinds in the past, and it really is a tedious use of your free time.

I'll email dave now.


Taking History Too Far
I'm a bit late to the party here and don't (I don't think) know Dave and definitely don't know Hell SD, but when I lived in NZ I had a weird thing for a while where I'd go to another board I frequent and find my PC logged in as a different user. I eventually figured out it was a similar issue with IP confusion on dial up...

Glad it got sorted out!


the day today tonight
its good to be back, thanks michael :D i'm glad i wasn't banned for not posting enough!

thanks tate (are you on subvertcentral?) and everyone else who put in their 2 cents.

WOEBOT - i tried to reply at work last week but its IP ( is still on the banned list - can you please remove that?

i understand how frustrating it is to be a moderator, i'm one of the few on a forum with 35000 members at last count, a few of those being permanently banned like hell science is here.

for a clue which points towards me not being hell sd, my only private messages on dissensus are with 'the undisputed truth' from late 2005. i was pretty excited reading on gutterbreakz that someone in nz was making dubstep.

and yep, i'm on dialup. despite being a nerd with my own server hosting a bunch of websites i'm still on dialup at home. lame, i know, but hopefully that will change soon.