global financial crash yay!


I thought it reminded me of Yes Men but those two don't seem to be the same guy. The Yes men guy looks much older to me than the guy in the second clip. Doesn't mean he's not another impersonator of course.


bandwagon house
Says a lot that we don't know if this is satire or not :(

Getting back to the practicalities of a Greek default. I think the big thing is that even if they return to the drachma the debt will still be in Euro and multiply. I think the plan at the moment is they are going to try and ringfence Greece (read. just the Greek banks) and then do what we did but on a unimaginable scale. Which has worked so dandy for us of course.

Here's another graph



heavy heavy monster sound
Every trader I've spoken to since the crash and the Black Swan/Blank Swan came out has discussed exactly what he's saying there, it's just surprising that it's taken someone so long to come out and be honest on the news. What I find scary is that the BBC newsroom was 'open-mouthed' at what he said, you only have to have a drink any night of the week in Liverpool Street to find someone who says that. Another planet.


"Well played anyway. As everyone discusses the messenger and not the message."
Well he was hardly trying to disguise the message though was he? I think the messenger is interesting because nobody has ever chosen to say it so blatantly in a public forum before - as Mistersloane says we all know the message already. Why it's now deemed ok to release it to the general public is maybe the question here?


heavy heavy monster sound
Why it's now deemed ok to release it to the general public is maybe the question here?

Yeah, I thought that too. it is the bankers going to war with Baroso over the financial transactions tax?

It certainly seems like an open declaration of war to me, on both sides. I quite like it. It's kinda more glamorous than assassinating archdukes or whatever.


Well-known member
Yeah, I thought that too. it is the bankers going to war with Baroso over the financial transactions tax?

It certainly seems like an open declaration of war to me, on both sides. I quite like it. It's kinda more glamorous than assassinating archdukes or whatever.

Actually nothing so shady. Guy's just a nobody with a big mouth and an eye on the main chance.

Turns out those who called bunkum are actually closer to the mark.


there are no accidents
let's not go there again - the only financially savvy thing about this bloke is the fact that he's basically living off his girlfriend

really? this is the first mention that he should not be trusted i've seen anywhere...

why is the BBC interviewing him?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
really? this is the first mention that he should not be trusted i've seen anywhere...

why is the BBC interviewing him?

Well he introduces himself as some sort of private trader - my guess would be that they just took him at face value and didn't do any research on what he actually does (or tries to do) for a living.