News of the World phone hacking scandal


Darned cockwombles.
curious to know if this changes how people in the UK view those (police, government officials) who were taking the bribes? obviously there are some bad apples in every government and police force, but this latest sun situation seems to be laying out a story of systematic corruption. are people shocked and outraged, or cynical enough that they just accept it as the way things are? think there will be any real repercussions on the government or police?

i think most people had a pretty dim view of these institutions before. Not acceptance, just non-surprise. Politicians are enmeshed with corporate interests all the time, so I guess no great shakes if they take a bribe from the tabloids. As to the met,t hey're pretty appalling in most regards.


But this really is a huge chance to root out some of this corruption. Of course it will no doubt all start again but a lot of people are surely caught bang to rights here - Coulson, several of the police high-ups; if Nick Davies and others can keep pushing and it's done properly then some of these people will go to jail. I think it's also crucial that this story stays in the news while Murdoch is trying to get his new Sun off the ground, I think that if some of these arrests are made to stick it could really scupper that and affect Murdoch's influence on the media and the country. I know there are more important battles being fought at the moment but this one is one that the good guys really could win... or at least the bad guys could lose.


Darned cockwombles.
this is true.

am hoping that the tories will go too far on the nhs and lose that one too though. and A4e resignation/firms opting out of workfare was a minor recent victory too.


Well-known member
I find it remarkable how the Sun's Hillsborough coverage is the only incident that has ever led to a significant boycott of a newspaper in this country, and it was basically to do with football. That tells you a lot about Sun readers' priorities. Until it slurs white van man's football team/supporters he will continue to buy it, no matter what.


James Murdoch has resigned as CEO (actually Executive Chairman in fact) of News International. He's gonna be with News Corp in NY but I'm sure people are gonna link it to the hacking and cover-up which happened on his watch even if it's not been one hundred percent proven that he knew about it (ninety-nine percent maybe).


Well-known member
Rees's right-hand man, Sid Fillery, a former Met police detective, was jailed for possessing child pornography. There's a story the Sun would love: TABLOID HAS PAEDO ON THE PAYROLL.

He now runs a pub in Norfolk. Sure sounds like a lovely place to have a few pints. Imagine the stories he has to tell...

Another one with a pub in Kent? I bet he and McMullan have some LOLs together.

I wondered why the Guardian was being so brazen in alleging corruption against Fillery, without any mention of him being convicted of it. Child porn would explain it.


Well-known member
So the Guardian asks for Brookes/horse-related jokes and puns:

I weighed in with the comment I made earlier in this thread: If the horse is found to have whispered information to her, will she be in trouble for bribing the police?

And it was "removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards." I would understand if it was potentially libellous or hate speech, but it's not. It's a joke about a horse that can talk. Which they asked for. And they removed it. The mind boggles...


Well-known member
It's only in contempt of court if it could sway a jury. I don't think it would, considering this is only one story amongst a slew of negative press.

The stuff in the Standard yesterday about two NI employees attempting/considering suicide (can't remember which) is dark stuff though.


Well-known member
I'm wondering why it's taking so long to charge them, when the evidence seems to be adundant.

Cos these guys can afford the most expensive lawyers known to man and the police can't afford to fuck it up? I'm happy to wait if it makes it more likely they'll get what's coming.

Also new evidence seems to be emerging all the time. On which note, anyone know anything about this? Tom Watson seemed excited about it the other day, but last night's Panorama was on Homs.


Don't know anything about it but it looks juicy. Maybe it had to be pulled cos it was sensitive stuff that could influence trials.