
Well-known member
i did not know SR made music or film
Early Peter Greenaway shorts programmed along with new alternative music works by Malcolm Le Grice, Stephen Dwoskin and Simon Reynolds.

Look a bit further down and the mystery resolves - it's a chap called Simon Reynell. One of my many near-namesakes e.g. Simon Raymonde in the Cocteau Twins. The discrepancy between how the name is rendered at the top and in the copy below is really sloppy.

I did notice an Imdb mention recently - Simon Reynolds playing Self - in a film called How The Brits Rocked America.

Talking head doc job presumably, have no recollection of speaking on this topic.


Void Dweller
yeah love having the blissblogosphere around. both for the regular updates and the archive that's been built up over the years. always fun to search for mentions of an artist i've suddenly gotten interested in and stumble on an insighful bit of writing that brings them up. could be anyone from ian loveday to gene clark - there always seems to be something.


yeah love having the blissblogosphere around. both for the regular updates and the archive that's been built up over the years. always fun to search for mentions of an artist i've suddenly gotten interested in and stumble on an insighful bit of writing that brings them up. could be anyone from ian loveday to gene clark - there always seems to be something.
Did you see your blogspot in hyperlink

One day you will tell children

"I was href'd by Blissblogger"


I played these to my students in a class on vocal extremes, thinking they'd be blown away - but the reaction was surprising - it sounded grating to their ears, like Buckley was straining his vocal cords - "he doesn't have the right vocal support for that kind of singing" i.e. he ought've hauled his ass over to a voice coach.

smh. the kids!

Greetings from LA was one of my favorite finds this year, scratches the same itch as Tattoo You did years past



Thought this piece on Tim Buckley was really wonderful, I'd been on a TB kick all year but knew basically nothing about his (insane and precocious) life trajectory

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Just reading one of Erik Davis' blogs and he mentions Simon doing him a hardcore tape;

I bought a tape deck on eBay last month, and soon found myself digging through a drawer full of old cassettes, hunting for a madeleine. Amid the fun finds—moody high school mix tapes, rare Xpressway and Touch releases, some UK pirate radio ’ardcore that Simon Reynolds duped me long ago—I came across an item simply labeled “Ram Dass.” I didn’t remember the tape, didn’t even recognize the hand writing, and so I slapped it on.


Well-known member
Just reading one of Erik Davis' blogs and he mentions Simon doing him a hardcore tape;

I did! I suspect he was a bit bemused by it, with all the MCs jabbering. I don't remember getting much enthused feedback about it anyway! His taste probably ran more to the Aphex end of thing. I remember a bunch of us going to NASA though, the breakbeat hardcore club in NYC.

I was evangelical about this stuff, constantly taping it for people. I gave a mixtape of ambient hardcore tracks to Saint Etienne hoping that they'd get Foul Play or Omni to remix one of their singles.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I did! I suspect he was a bit bemused by it, with all the MCs jabbering. I don't remember getting much enthused feedback about it anyway! His taste probably ran more to the Aphex end of thing. I remember a bunch of us going to NASA though, the breakbeat hardcore club in NYC.

I was evangelical about this stuff, constantly taping it for people. I gave a mixtape of ambient hardcore tracks to Saint Etienne hoping that they'd get Foul Play or Omni to remix one of their singles.

How did you end up in touch with him in the first place?


Well-known member
How did you end up in touch with him in the first place?

We were in the same milieu of people living in New York writing for Village Voice. Erik contributed to the music section like me, but he also about wrote for the Voice but all kinds of other things - the sort of interests that fed into Techgnosis and his later books.
And they chose PFM!

It usually took these types a year or two to get with the program!

For instance I tried to persuade Tim and Laetitia from Stereolab to come down to Speed and they made up some polite excuse. But then a few years Dots and Loops I think it was had a bit of a drum and bassy skitter to some of the tracks.

PFM are all right though - they did "One and Only".

I don't really remember their Saint Et remix - a bit Bukem-by-numbers I think.


pass the sick bucket
For instance I tried to persuade Tim and Laetitia from Stereolab to come down to Speed and they made up some polite excuse. But then a few years Dots and Loops I think it was had a bit of a drum and bassy skitter to some of the tracks.

Are you confessing to inventing joy orbison and post-dubstep in 1995? Man, and you have the gall to pull us north/west londoners up on our reinforced broken beats, detroit, jazz jungle love, the mind boggles!


Your crime is worse fam, you tried to get indie people into jungle, repent!
