George Floyd


Can turn naughty
The Mayfair Set I liked a lot.

Beat me at the buzzer. Yeah his early stuff is good. But I also like The Trap and The Power of Nightmares. They came out when I was still pretty new to the stuff they were covering. Haven't seen either in a long time though tbh. Keep meaning to rewatch it all
Curtis occcupies and interesting space between archivist and conjecture, and nearly conspiracy, draws on conspiratorial energy. And good music


Well-known member
Back in the days when Craner wanted to bring democracy to the Middle East he hated him. But he's changed his mind. He likes Curtis now.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
S/T: Eno's 'Another Green World'
video: Coca-Cola commercial ca. 1965


"This is a story about a posh-voiced young English journalist, and how he had discovered the secret web of connections between governments, big business, and mass media, and the people who thought that by watching his documentaries, they would never have to think about anything for themselves ever again.

But this was a fantasy.

Meanwhile, in Silicon Valley in the 1980s, a computer scientist..."
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S/T: Eno's 'Another Green World'
video: Coca-Cola commercial ca. 1965


"This is a story about a posh-voiced young English journalist, and how he had discovered the secret web of connections between governments, big business, and mass media, and the people who thought that by watching his documentaries, they would never have to think about anything for themselves ever again.

But this was a fantasy.

Meanwhile, in Silicon Valley in the 1980s, a computer scientist..."

I'd watch this in a heartbeat

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
understand the inner workings of the world on a rudimentary level
the question is to what degree his work actually explains the "inner workings of the world"

or to the degree it does, how much of that explanation is revelatory

I am not as harsh as some of his critics in this regard - I recognize many people will be unfamiliar with things he's tossing around

this is why say, as a starting point, rather than an end point

I do agree it works better as art where, unlike journalism, ambiguity is useful, perhaps even necessary

but he presents himself as a journalist - a revealer of truths - so one has to judge him by those criteria

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
What is hypernormalisation in a nutshell?
originally as coined by a Russian academic, the collective denial of reality as the Soviet system withered and collapsed ca. 1980s

the novel Gorky Park is, I think, an excellent non-academic depiction of this as a day-to-day reality

Curtis, unsurprisingly, uses it in a much broader, more actively conspiratorial sense

as the conscious manufacturing of a fake reality more real than actual reality by various powers that be. it's all very [ominous].

semi-connected to the original definition thru Putin and specifically Vladislov Surkov

tho I don't remember if or to what extent he places it in the ongoing tradition of dezinformatsiya