George Floyd


yes, I apologize for erecting a strawman in this chat, but that's pretty much the standard feeling among people our age I'd say

if you're not onboard with a particular political programme, you're not just wrong but in fact have a bad soul, are tainted. you can taint others through association. this is where all the religious original sin sentiment comes in

constant escape

winter withered, warm
yes, I apologize for erecting a strawman in this chat, but that's pretty much the standard feeling among people our age I'd say

if you're not onboard with a particular political programme, you're not just wrong but in fact have a bad soul, are tainted. you can taint others through association. this is where all the religious original sin sentiment comes in
aside: any kind of residuum of puritanism here? Self-flagellation of white fragility (which, mind you, I somewhat embrace - I'm not completely against it), as others have mentioned, surely.

But your point here is critical. Its not like a disagreement here is just a disagreement, it is a BINARY indication of moral purity. Either You are A) potentially pure or B) complete bigoted scum.

Now for the disclaimers, because the above statements frighten me. I am egalitarian, and by that I mean there should be no civil or otherwise political disparity across demographics, in terms of rights and in terms of treatment. In this respect, I am a scathing SJW.

(Man, this is tricky)

That said, I can also see how such sentiments can carry me beyond their marks. Arguably rightfully so, arguably not.

Those who are on board, ultimately, with such egalitarian values, often cannot express thoughts otherwise, even if those thoughts are antithetical/dialectical in nature. To me, this mean that the progressive impetus precludes its own evolution, which I oppose, in the name of leveling the playing field (how can we provide platforms without providing pedestals? Arguably the central question of the left, today). I think it is f***ing ridiculous that such criticism gets conflated with fascism, and I think this is a myopic conclusion. A perfectly understandable, and even reasonable one (I just called it ridiculous and reasonable, and I mean both). We are talking about stuff that has no clear answers.

Why are people with certain pigmental dispositions disproportionately correlated with lower classes, financially? That question should drive a considerable passion, but not a passion that indiscriminately roasts those who speak or think otherwise. Because if dialectics are barred from our arsenal, we are as good as dead. The moment we embrace a central dogma, the moment we succumb to the forces we strive to oppose.

(still drunk)
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constant escape

winter withered, warm
Honestly, I don't know what what I mean by "young people". You are right, I am making lazy assumptions in that respect.

I am 22, and it feels like I am almost old and obsolete by the standards of the "young" - if my message got lost in that confusion, it is only my fault.

That is, I haven't poured my soul into my social media presence. Even "social media presence" betrays a kind of age myopia here, because what we call social media has completely surmounted everything that we would consider the backdrop for for our social lives.

I can't relate to that - I am too old. I don't use social media, and to that extent I am a hermit.


Well-known member
it appears "young people" make lots of intellectually lazy assumptions and arguments nowadays.

To us they seem completely mad don't they. But this way of thinking of not limited to the young. I know people in their 40s who also feel there is a vindictive spirit of 'wokeness' pursuing them every moment of their lives, like a tireless hell hound, or an extra vigilant hall monitor. And they form their politics in reaction to this maleficent spirit. They feel massively persecuted by this spirit.


Well-known member
I do believe, know in fact, that there is a group of young, mostly white women who have fallen victim to some kind of moral hysteria and are consequently shrill and annoying. Barty says his sister turned into one of these and instantly lost her looks and her sense of humour and Barty wouldn't lie to me.
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anti-wokeness is equivalent to wokeness in some ways. if attention is currency in current era, then anti-woke industry is monetization of reaction to wokeness. it's all grist to the likes and retweets mill


Well-known member
My American uncle who has been marooned in New Zealand since the end of the '70s has always been like this. Saying stuff to annoy handwringing liberals who want to impose slave morality on the World-Hegemon. "Nuke 'em!" That's his catchphrase. It's pretty funny. But he dutifully votes labour/democrat every time.


Well-known member
anti-wokeness is equivalent to wokeness in some ways. if attention is currency in current era, then anti-woke industry is monetization of reaction to wokeness. it's all grist to the likes and retweets mill

Well obviously. This is why you are a sucker for getting caught up in it. You don't have to cheer for either team.


but the discussion of racism intersects with wokeness/anti-wokeness. wokeness is kind of everywhere now - for example, the very small, North West-based company I work for recently made a one hour documentary about BLM (not shared outside company). it's not limited to upper class humanities students in US any more, their enthusiasm is being transmitted across the globe via social media and influence of american corporations
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Well-known member
A lot of the woke grift correlates to etiquette manuals from the days of heightened class anxiety. How not to look like a pleb becomes how not to look like a racist.


Wild Horses
The video of some protesters haranguing a women sitting outside a restaurant for not raising her fist would maybe vindicate the idea being discussed here.
I kinda think it's a bit of a Spectacular distraction from the events in hand though.