Resistance is Futile.

Some people like to think out loud, reach, play around with their ignorance, some people like to circle a conversation from above like a vulture, waiting for an error.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
and you realise nobody genuinely occupies this position here
I don't

but also, it doesn't matter if it's literal. the banter is the medium is the message.

you weren't here for the toxicity of peak luka/barty banter dayz, I think

you're kind of (no offense) a poor man's barty

or that's unfair. a different barty.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I (and droid and whoever else) don't literally hold the positions you ascribe to us either

like I said, you don't have the shared history like luka does to be able to say a lotta things + have em come off like you want them to
Don't exactly get what you mean with the barty comment. I've lurked for a bit between periods of posting so even though I feel I can make these observations, I can see why it might be a bit weird if we haven't interacted that much.


Well-known member
there's a darkness creeping in here and it's worrying. i dont think shiels is trying to be nasty in any way so can we all back off in recognition of the fact that this is looking dangerous.


Well-known member
theory is just a tool for understanding things.

Whilst I appreciate that is it's intended purpose (and there is some theory I use to this effect), the way it is deployed on twitter appears to me to be more commonly used firstly as a tool for furthering the intellectual's online brand, and secondly as a means of propagating their worldview to other, less intellectual people. I don't feel that anyone on here is trying to convince me that their views are *correct*, whereas ten minutes spent browsing left-wing intellectual twitter leaves me feeling like I should be thinking in the same manner as these very clever and popular individuals.

what I hate is the idea that not knowing things - being ignorant - is something to celebrate

This is absolutely not my position.


Well-known member
It's not like there's anyone here who habours radical or passionate feelings towards the use of theory. I think we all have more or less the same approach.

We know the map is not the territory. We know that we still need a map. We know that sometimes making our own maps is fun and can lead to discoveries that regular maps don't show even though we might get a bit lost.


Well-known member
and i resent anyone trying to throw cold water on me while im getting high on my own supply. thats the basis of my approach.


Well-known member
So we need to re-enchant the act of thinking, to emancipate it from the shackles of rational administration put on by the education system?

There, thread is back on its original course.


Cat Malogen
When the trees were enchanted there was hope for the trees,
that they should frustrate the intentions of the surrounding fires.


I don't

but also, it doesn't matter if it's literal. the banter is the medium is the message.

you weren't here for the toxicity of peak luka/barty banter dayz, I think

you're kind of (no offense) a poor man's barty

or that's unfair. a different barty.

“I don’t like toxicity. Also let me just derail a thread for no reason with lots of tension and needlessly insult 3 users” 🤣🤣🤣