constant escape

winter withered, warm
Well to be clear, I voted for Biden/Harris because it registered to me as the ticket that would more fully lead into the kind of globalism I have in mind. How that can be construed as antisemitic is beyond me.

I've been using "globalism" to denote a unified and optimized global politico-economic system, as opposed to the unoptimized collection of national systems we currently experience. The former would be consciously organized as a unified system, whereas the latter happens to be a collective system that just isn;t organized as such.

Culturally, there is a cosmopolitan aspect to this _______ism. Being able and willing to absorb the cultures of peoples around the globe. Having the technologically-enabled opportunities to do so. Cultures deterritorializing themselves, more and more intermingling, full steam ahead.

I think its a phase we need to pass through, if we are to undergo the kinds of phase shifts we really ought to undergo. Physical systems seem to necessarily clump together and form larger systems.


Beast of Burden
Well to be clear, I voted for Biden/Harris because it registered to me as the ticket that would more fully lead into the kind of globalism I have in mind. How that can be construed as antisemitic is beyond me.

I've been using "globalism" to denote a unified and optimized global politico-economic system, as opposed to the unoptimized collection of national systems we currently experience. The former would be consciously organized as a unified system, whereas the latter happens to be a collective system that just isn;t organized as such.

Culturally, there is a cosmopolitan aspect to this _______ism. Being able and willing to absorb the cultures of peoples around the globe. Having the technologically-enabled opportunities to do so. Cultures deterritorializing themselves, more and more intermingling, full steam ahead.

I think its a phase we need to pass through, if we are to undergo the kinds of phase shifts we really ought to undergo. Physical systems seem to necessarily clump together and form larger systems.

Well, there's Globalism as a term used in political science and there's Globalists used as a pejorative. Each has very different lives. It's good practice to separate them in your head. It's not really that hard, either.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
But how should I refer to people I consider like-minded in this capacity? If the word "globalist" isn;t to be salvaged, I understand. Are we to dance around that, or just come up with new, stigma-free words?

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Also the globalism I have in mind is inherently progressive. Socially, technologically, maybe other ways too.

edit: its also hugely science-friendly, as far as I can tell.


Well-known member
But how should I refer to people I consider like-minded in this capacity? If the word "globalist" isn;t to be salvaged, I understand. Are we to dance around that, or just come up with new, stigma-free words?
This I think is the crux of it. There's a sense that if you talk about people you are always talking about the Jews.
using "Globalists" rather than focussing on international capitalism or something more systematic just makes this worse. "Globalists" embodies it in people.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
But isn't that assumption itself conspiratorial? And yet the conclusion drawn from that assumption is that whoever uses the word "globalist" is conspiratorial? What?

constant escape

winter withered, warm
You mean, one holistic System of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars?
Yeah, in the sense that we are leading up to such a system. In a way that I think is inevitable, save for some kind of nuclear destruction.

john eden

male pale and stale
I think it's a mistake too. Particularly in a context like dissensus. On Twitter perhaps the rules change. But is it worth arguing for getting lectured and called a nazi by this lot? That's what you have to ask yourself
Dissensus is in the public domain and fully searchable via google afaik. I assume we are still #1 hit for "repoire". So it's not as anatagonistic and accessible as twitter but it is very much in the public domain and not some closed system / members' club.

I don't want it to be the #1 hit for globalists + junglists or whatever.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
@john eden And thats perfectly fine, as far as I can tell. Don't want that kind of attention, or that kind of traffic.

My problem is this: I'm not using the term "globalist" conspiratorially and/or anti-semitically. What term should be used to denote what I'm trying to describe here?