Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
McKenna's idea is charming but silly, given that we already know what ushered in the modern human genome and attendant cognitive systems: a male pig, fucking a female chimpanzee, whose offspring back-bred with other chimpanzees.
Have you been taking biology lessons in a Saudi school?

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I think science will only reach its maximal potential once it manages to systematically acknowledge that not all knowledge passes through the conceptual gauntlet that is the scientific method. That it is just, in principle, the rigorous, replicable approach.

Like Yang needs to reckon with Yin, and vice versa, or either to be realize its full potential.

But this reckoning has two directions of dialogue, which may not be symmetrical.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Austin Osman Spare put it well in Two Tracts on Cartomancy, claiming that certain divination techniques involve the abdication of reason-based agency, yielding the decision to be made outside of the jurisdiction of reason.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
The trick, regarding the manner in which Yin (black) must reckon with Yang (white), is that it needs to be expressed systematically, and systematic expression seems to gravitate around the latter, being science.

So how do we begin to systematically express why systematic expression ought to be pragmatically and situationally used here, and abdicated there?


cat malogen
+ a BA in archaelology from SOAS @WashYourHands :love:

i did Celtic studies and human origins was a foundation module. Thing is, this period is stuck with palaeontology and they figure everything is near enough mapped. Obsessed with skeletal mass, cranial volume litres. Archaeo-geneticists do similar broad sweeps, how we’re all descended from 7 women, then someone postulated that agriculture was responsible for skin lightening and they all lost their minds.

The more DMT brain imaging done, the more that delta-wave field is opened up, that’s what wets my whistle.


i did Celtic studies and human origins was a foundation module. Thing is, this period is stuck with palaeontology and they figure everything is near enough mapped. Obsessed with skeletal mass, cranial volume litres. Archaeo-geneticists do similar broad sweeps, how we’re all descended from 7 women, then someone postulated that agriculture was responsible for skin lightening and they all lost their minds.

The more DMT brain imaging done, the more that delta-wave field is opened up, that’s what wets my whistle.
I have enjoyed your paleotrips here a lot
did you read J Lanchaster in the latest LRB?


And, you know, if you want to equate Saudi Arabia with Islam as a whole then that's up to you. Would you jump on me for being "anti-Christian" if I said something mean about the DUP?
this makes no sense,
you slag off "saudi schools" "saudi funded madrassas" for being islamic fundamentalists when you know fuck all about it :( it's disgusting


cat malogen
@sufi Nuts. 1.5% Neanderthal for Europeans, Denisovans in Asia. Later on too, blonde hair mutations concurrently in Europe and Australia.

Related news, Bryan Sykes passed recently.


And, you know, if you want to equate Saudi Arabia with Islam as a whole then that's up to you. Would you jump on me for being "anti-Christian" if I said something mean about the DUP?
i certainly would not equate saudi with islam and in fact fuck you for suggesting it