I dont really care but it seems pretty obvious that the omicron one has came from a vaccinated person with reduced immunity, i.e. the hiv or similar

These jabs generally restrict anything getting to the lungs but don't actually block infection in the slightest, so it's probably sat there in their system unable to shift it and mutating to remain

By the time it transmits to some nurse or whatever its become less deadly but more transmissible, we should be thanking the vax really
Omicron may not have emerged in South Africa, that happens to be where it was detected. SA has a relatively sophisticated capacity for genetic medicine. Maybe a visiting doctor brought it in from outside SA, who knows? A genetic analysis I saw a couple of weeks ago strongly indicates it parted ways with the alpha strain some time ago, early last year probably.
Please expand on your knowledge of South Africa's genetic profiling capabilities

SA happens to be one of the world leaders in viral phylogenetics because of the 8 million people with HIV there.

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Well-known member
cant this be explained by behavioral differences and gov. restrictions for those unvaccinated? unless ofc they control for that. tbh i dont even know why I am commenting on this cesspool of a thread. i hate talking about rona because the only thing that comes of it is needless outrage or anxiety. at this point, if you don't want to get vaccinated that's your prerogative. just don't do passports and let the stupids get sick


Well-known member
Long covid is the real worry. A huge study that just came out has confirmed 1 in 7/14% of kids with symptoms 4 months after Covid. A significant number of those will remain sick for much longer, and then there's the Parkinson's link, reported in 2020 and recently confirmed in the lab.

This may be 'mild' or it may not dependent on social and personal circumstances, but the fact remains that this is not something you want to get. The risk of a temporary or even lifelong disability is extremely high. If we don't acknowledge this is airborne and change how we deal with it we're gonna end up with a shit load of very chronically ill people.

Stay safe lads. Buy some N95 masks. Get a HEPA filter for your home, they're pretty cheap and do a great job of cleaning the air in small spaces. Try not to meet people indoors, especially in large social spaces, and of course, get a booster, it should give you about 50-85% protection.

Be careful out there.


My Brother and his partner have got it now, and my sis-in law also, we've cancelled our xmas plans with the rural elders
I had a + LFT back in November and was mildly covidised for a week/10 days, could have been Δ or Ο - who knows, we isolated carefully.