
Long covid is the real worry. A huge study that just came out has confirmed 1 in 7/14% of kids with symptoms 4 months after Covid. A significant number of those will remain sick for much longer, and then there's the Parkinson's link, reported in 2020 and recently confirmed in the lab.

This may be 'mild' or it may not dependent on social and personal circumstances, but the fact remains that this is not something you want to get. The risk of a temporary or even lifelong disability is extremely high. If we don't acknowledge this is airborne and change how we deal with it we're gonna end up with a shit load of very chronically ill people.

Stay safe lads. Buy some N95 masks. Get a HEPA filter for your home, they're pretty cheap and do a great job of cleaning the air in small spaces. Try not to meet people indoors, especially in large social spaces, and of course, get a booster, it should give you about 50-85% protection.

Be careful out there.
i notice you don't mention vaccinations?
today's BMJ suggests Omicron is indeed worse for unvaxed but i'm 🤷‍♂️


Beast of Burden
My fiance isn't vaccinated but she takes loads of vitamins every day. I don't exactly have a healthy lifestyle and I don't take vitamins or lift weights. But I did have the vaccinations, so considering we were sleeping together until she got her first positive result and after that we have still had to move around inside a narrow terraced house, I can only presume that the vaccine has held up.

But unlike Peter Venkman, I'm no scientist, so what do I know?


Well-known member
My fiance isn't vaccinated but she takes loads of vitamins every day. I don't exactly have a healthy lifestyle and I don't take vitamins or lift weights. But I did have the vaccinations, so considering we were sleeping together until she got her first positive result and after that we have still had to move around inside a narrow terraced house, I can only presume that the vaccine has held up.

But unlike Peter Venkman, I'm no scientist, so what do I know?

I would assume you have it, especially if it's omicron. You should get a PCR test if you haven't already.

We got hit in October, it came from the viral pit of unventilated, unvaccinated schools. I was the only one who tested positive, everyone else negative despite symptoms. 5 negative antigen tests for me as well. The GP said to assume everyone in the house had it.


Beast of Burden
I would assume you have it, especially if it's omicron. You should get a PCR test if you haven't already.

We got hit in October, it came from the viral pit of unventilated, unvaccinated schools. I was the only one who tested positive, everyone else negative despite symptoms. 5 negative antigen tests for me as well. The GP said to assume everyone in the house had it.

PCR was negative, but I guess you could be right.


Well-known member
I'm unsure whether to get the booster atm as it seems as though I'm currently more likely to catch it by going out to get the jab than I am just staying in.


Well-known member
That's a real concern in the UK at the moment. OTOH, dependent on which vaccine you had and how long ago you currently have 0 to 30% protection, so probably worth the risk. Get an N95 or FF2 mask and go for it would be my advice.

PCR was negative, but I guess you could be right.

You'll get another one at the end of the isolation period anyway I assume?


Well-known member
Yup, 10 days to two weeks. Still worth it.

Also, stay off ladders, and try not to do anything dangerous for the foreseeable. It's too early to say how bad this is gonna be for the health services, but it's probably not a good time to be rocking up to A&E with a broken leg.


Well-known member
Same as me. I haven't kept up with the numbers, but last I checked that gives you about 30% protection against severe illness. I got the booster last week, you're supposed to wait 6 months here after having covid, but fuck that.


This is pretty sobering. The Reddit link is worth reading.

"Since June, I have never seen a horrible case of someone who was vaccinated"

How does that square with the large majority of UK Covid deaths having been vaccinated?

Does this not suggest that the article is completely fabricated?


Can anyone explain this, because I don't get it - if Omicron is the mildest variant so far, how does it become the dominant one? Does it cancel out Delta?