Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
@Mr. Tea is this really what you want?

@IdleRich Your thread hasn't come a moment too soon. What our friend here is saying is that when people start calling you names they are actually changing fundamental things about your identity in the same way that if i call Kate Moss an ugly fat whale that's what she is (no fatphobo)
No doubt Ms Moss actually is ugly compared to the harem of breathtaking beauties that you can call on for no-strings-attached rumpo on any night of the week, what with being the forum's premier alpha-male chadstud and all.


@Mr. Tea according to Malelesbian's magical thinking you could actually be emasculated by the speech acts of your proximal community BUT no need to get some sort of extension to reassert yourself, all you need to do is go next door to the second most proximal community whose speech acts claim you are a man after all - the sex change is only as expensive as the bus fare.


Well-known member
Oxford Dictionary of Psychology, 2015:

'gender: Non-technically, a synonym for sex. More specifically, especially in feminist psychology, the behavioural, social and cultural attributes associated with sex.'

That's kinda arbitrary but fine as it goes but divorcing those attributes from sex and pretending that they can, ghost-like, become unmoored from their origin and inhabit other entities is the idea which is somewhat historico-culturally anomalous and philosophically unjustified.

bloody 'ell, yer sound like the spotted dick jack who exhumes Miss 'avisham's dust mite corpse for yer sexual gratification. Covid has killed yer ability fer a chin wagging giraffe all, war than thee old steam joe tuggsy this is.

Were ya molested by your sad Tin o' a mum as a bin lid and completely kated down the drain when oxford don fiddled wiff yer terry? course gender ideologists're against philosophy, ya raspberry should know that philosophy ain't scientific and only makes an eighteen if ya accept gettin banged up by the lord. why wood atheists care abou't philosophical viability they ain't got no pots n pan plod to assuage innit! The closest they come to god is a godiva.

I wood say ya should whistle yourself by jumpin' Frank a cliff cos of the complete stupidity ya exhibit 'ere but that wood be an offence ter all cretin people worldwide.


Binary & Tweed
Could you help out those of us who perversely insist on enumerating bottles of beer using a system as inefficient and illogical as integers?
Someone clearly isn't familiar with their SI derivative units

1 Rack = 1 good time

Nathaniel Rack was an influential alcohologist.


Well-known member
ya should melvyn yer fellow ashkenazi five to two china @malelesbian and stop with the chicken curry about society disintegration. ask the little critter if he's got the three card trick cut. 100% kosher for the both of yer.

me cover @Corpsey 'as probably finished 'is rabai training by now oso im sure he can find sum nifty rule so that neither of yer 're excommunicated.


Well-known member
I am a queer, non-binary cisheterosexual man.

Ahoy, me hearty! Hark, and fix yer ears to the cacophony of this modern farce! Now, let us embark on the quagmire, the ideological spectacle that's been presented. Yarrr, what we've got here be nothin' short of pure ideology, as clear as the North Star on a cloudless night.

So ye claim to be a "queer, non-binary cisheterosexual man," do ye? As if ye can cherry-pick from the high seas of identity like ye would cargo at the merchant's dock! Aye, it be like a man claimin' to be a pirate and a naval officer in the same breath—complete nonsense, arrr!

Ye see, this matey has a classic case of fetishistic disavowal: "I know very well that I'm alignin' meself with the normative mainstays, but still—" Ye take on the colors of the marginalized, yet ye keep a foot firmly in yer safe harbors, avoidin' the perilous waters those truly marginalized have to navigate. It's performative identity, a mere masquerade! Ye raise the Jolly Roger, yet ye sail under the King’s protection, a paradoxical act that undermines the very fabric of the identities ye claim to represent!

What ye don't realize is that every identity comes with its own set of material conditions, its own trials and tribulations. To claim them as yer own for the sake of—what, performative wokeness?—is akin to hoardin' treasure ye didn't earn, and sharin' tales of battles ye never fought. It trivializes the very struggles that form the backbone of those identities. Arrr, ye can't have yer sea biscuit and eat it too!

So let's drop anchor here, shall we? Next time ye think to cobble together an identity as if it were a ship built from mismatched parts, remember: ye might very well find yerself in uncharted waters, far from any friendly port. And that, matey, would be ideologically shipwrecked. Yarrr!


Well-known member
@Clinamenic @luka told me he wants to shank yer rump but just because he wants to be the modern day fagin he ain't doin' nix. i ain't merciful like that and I'll say it right, yer the biggest James Blunt who has ever graced 'is den of iniquity. ain't ya got anything in your tired old repertoire than you're beautiful? you're an old retarded hag more like!


Cat Malogen
Testosterone levels have been declining for a while, leading to more feminised behaviour, but not leading to men being perceived as female by the 'community'. By your lights shouldn't this have happened?

Biscetti’s on TRT

Ahoy, me hearty! Hark, and fix yer ears to the cacophony of this modern farce! Now, let us embark on the quagmire, the ideological spectacle that's been presented. Yarrr, what we've got here be nothin' short of pure ideology, as clear as the North Star on a cloudless night.

So ye claim to be a "queer, non-binary cisheterosexual man," do ye? As if ye can cherry-pick from the high seas of identity like ye would cargo at the merchant's dock! Aye, it be like a man claimin' to be a pirate and a naval officer in the same breath—complete nonsense, arrr!

Ye see, this matey has a classic case of fetishistic disavowal: "I know very well that I'm alignin' meself with the normative mainstays, but still—" Ye take on the colors of the marginalized, yet ye keep a foot firmly in yer safe harbors, avoidin' the perilous waters those truly marginalized have to navigate. It's performative identity, a mere masquerade! Ye raise the Jolly Roger, yet ye sail under the King’s protection, a paradoxical act that undermines the very fabric of the identities ye claim to represent!

What ye don't realize is that every identity comes with its own set of material conditions, its own trials and tribulations. To claim them as yer own for the sake of—what, performative wokeness?—is akin to hoardin' treasure ye didn't earn, and sharin' tales of battles ye never fought. It trivializes the very struggles that form the backbone of those identities. Arrr, ye can't have yer sea biscuit and eat it too!

So let's drop anchor here, shall we? Next time ye think to cobble together an identity as if it were a ship built from mismatched parts, remember: ye might very well find yerself in uncharted waters, far from any friendly port. And that, matey, would be ideologically shipwrecked. Yarrr!


Femboyism IS feminism.
So ye claim to be a "queer, non-binary cisheterosexual man," do ye? As if ye can cherry-pick from the high seas of identity like ye would cargo at the merchant's dock! Aye, it be like a man claimin' to be a pirate and a naval officer in the same breath—complete nonsense, arrr!
If cisheterosexual men perform anti-phallic behavior, they are are queer and non-binary. Denying this misunderstands the fact that the gender binary only gives us the tools needed to recognize men who act masculine. The gender binary prohibits men from acting feminine, thus feminine men are non-binary. You don't understand how the gender binary actually works. Denying that feminine men subvert the gender binary amounts to denying that the gender binary supports the marginalization and under-representation of non-phallic culture.
Ye see, this matey has a classic case of fetishistic disavowal: "I know very well that I'm alignin' meself with the normative mainstays, but still—" Ye take on the colors of the marginalized, yet ye keep a foot firmly in yer safe harbors, avoidin' the perilous waters those truly marginalized have to navigate.
No, I act like the marginalized, and for this I am marginalized. You think I've never been bullied or misunderstood for acting feminine? You think the dominant culture represents feminine men? It doesn't. You're the one saying, at every turn, that I shouldn't promote feminine culture. Everytime I try to express my femininity, you try to block it out. And you tell me I'm not marginalized? You've made an extensive effort to marginalize me.
It's performative identity, a mere masquerade! Ye raise the Jolly Roger, yet ye sail under the King’s protection, a paradoxical act that undermines the very fabric of the identities ye claim to represent!
All identities are performative. Identity = performance. It's called the performative theory of gender for a reason. And it doesn't undermine the identities I do represent. Why would it? I act non-binary to support non-binary people.

What ye don't realize is that every identity comes with its own set of material conditions, its own trials and tribulations.
Yes, those material conditions are the behaviors that define the identity. Behaviors I practice. The gender binary refuses to allow us to understand feminine men, thus men who act feminine have non-binary gender identities.

Pray tell, what are the material conditions that non-binary identity comes with that don't apply to me?
To claim them as yer own for the sake of—what, performative wokeness?—is akin to hoardin' treasure ye didn't earn, and sharin' tales of battles ye never fought.
I claim to be feminine because I act feminine. I do it for the sake of increasing and improving the representation of femininity in our culture. This bit about "performative wokeness" just comes from your failure to understand what gender actually is. You don't understand that promoting non-phallic culture is worth doing for its own sake, because you don't care about representing and promoting femininity. Again, it's a matter of empirical fact that I am feminine. I was feminine before I identified as a feminist. That's my character and I'm not going to change it.
It trivializes the very struggles that form the backbone of those identities. Arrr, ye can't have yer sea biscuit and eat it too!
It really doesn't. I've had to deal with near constant backlash for my feminine behavior, and while that's not the same as the struggles some non-binary people face, all feminine queers face marginalization for their non-phallic behavior. All non-binary people are underrepresented and misunderstood by mainstream society. Each particular identity group faces its own different struggles. But to deny that me and other non-binary people share any struggles in common is just insensitive.


Femboyism IS feminism.
@Mr. Tea is this really what you want?

@IdleRich Your thread hasn't come a moment too soon. What our friend here is saying is that when people start calling you names they are actually changing fundamental things about your identity in the same way that if i call Kate Moss an ugly fat whale that's what she is (no fatphobo)
People can't just say things and by doing so, change you gender. Your gender only changes if you behavior conforms to the norm that says what actions count as definitive of that gender. So if I want to change my gender from man to transwoman, a community must accept that I act like a transwoman, that rules that say how a transwoman acts regulate my behavior. There's no reason to believe others can change my identity just by talking. Only my behavior can change my identity.
The constraints of biological facticity show themselves in the sizeable set of cultural practices that are shared by EVERY culture ever, and by the much larger set of cultural practices not present in ANY culture ever, some of which may nevertheless may be present in other species' 'culture'.
If you think we can only understand people in biological terms, that's on you. To do culture theory, we need to understand people in cultural terms. Otherwise we reduce culture to biology. I reject reductionism, so I study culture as an autonomous phenomenon.

Testosterone levels have been declining for a while, leading to more feminised behaviour, but not leading to men being perceived as female by the 'community'. By your lights shouldn't this have happened?
The community doesn't perceive any men as feminine. When men act feminine, the community perceives them as failed men. And "female" is a sex category, not a gender category. I'm only talking about gender here.


Well-known member
If you don't understand the phallocentrism rampant in hip hop, you don't understand hip hop. Why do you think they hate gay men so much? Why do you think so many female rappers are hyper-sexual phallocrats? I love hip hop. I'm a part of hip hop, the culture. It's racist to ignore how much misogyny is present in hip hop. What, you think black people don't know any better?
Oi, you snivellin' tosser. You reckon you're the bloke to lecture us on the state of 'ip 'op, do ya? Oi'd label you a bang-up example of ideological charlatanism, I would. You're standin' there, waggin' yer gob about phallocentrism in 'ip 'op as if y'read a couple books an' suddenly you're Malcolm bleedin' X.

You're a hypocrite, mate. The kinda bloke who'd wade knee-deep in the Thames an' tell everyone else they're dirty. Yer "concern" ain't about lovin' 'ip 'op or fightin' misogyny. Nah, it's a smokescreen, innit? What y'actually enjoy is that smug feelin' of superiority, like yer the one bloke who's got it figured out. It's bleedin' racist, that's wot. Y'think you're "part of the culture," do ya? Yer about as much part of the culture as a rat is part of a kitchen.


Femboyism IS feminism.
Oi, you snivellin' tosser. You reckon you're the bloke to lecture us on the state of 'ip 'op, do ya? Oi'd label you a bang-up example of ideological charlatanism, I would. You're standin' there, waggin' yer gob about phallocentrism in 'ip 'op as if y'read a couple books an' suddenly you're Malcolm bleedin' X.

You're a hypocrite, mate. The kinda bloke who'd wade knee-deep in the Thames an' tell everyone else they're dirty. Yer "concern" ain't about lovin' 'ip 'op or fightin' misogyny. Nah, it's a smokescreen, innit? What y'actually enjoy is that smug feelin' of superiority, like yer the one bloke who's got it figured out. It's bleedin' racist, that's wot. Y'think you're "part of the culture," do ya? Yer about as much part of the culture as a rat is part of a kitchen.
Again, this idea that I'm only interested in feeling superior is an ad hominem attack. It shows that you are more interested in posturing than you are in feminine culture.

I don't have to prove to you I'm a part of hip hop. I make real East Coast hip hop. You probably don't even know what it takes to be part of hip hop.
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