too much pessimism
9 has never liked the term dubstep, people are doing new stuff all the time. its simply that theres more people putting out tunes that work at parties than risking their cash on things that might be perhaps more innovative but wouldn't sell to the midrange wobble* kids. If dsf is in anyway a representative of record buying dubsteppers, genericism is what the kids want. given most heads on there have only been into the sound 6 months to a year, thats probably insuffucent time to get bored with it.
gieom, starkey, parson, shonky, the blackmass plastic lot, blackdown, matty g, the herbal medium, bass cleff, JSL, 2000F, ramadanman, Forensix and alot more are all doing interesting, different stuff with sub bass, yet they're rarely mentioned on here if at all. Not to mention distance, loefah, mala, etc who continue to kill it, though i think to put them on a pestidal is slightly dubious - they've just been playing the game for longer. Its not hard to make massive jumps as a producer in the space of a year or so.
*not a moan at wobbles, though they are a ubiquitus feature