Shitting yourself/shitting in interesting or unusual places/shitting queries

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Same thing used to happen to my bother's hamster, only on a much smaller scale, obviously.


It's all grist
At the risk of becoming a one-trick pony with this dog stuff:

Our dog would eat tinsel every Christmas, and sometimes it was long after twelfth night before he stopped doing festive shit.

Noah Baby Food

Well-known member
yeah, i've seen that's horrible!

the story about pulling stuff out of dog's anus...yes, been there terrier eats all manner of badness...eats my girlfriend's really brings home the sacrifices you make for a pet when you are pulling a long shitty piece of thread out of its ringer.

on the Diana tip:

what does Diana stand for?

- Died In A Nasty Accident

What's the difference between George Best and Princess Di's chauffer?

- George Best could take corners drunk

. Bastard Princess Di! Hahaha! You dead bastard!

Local Authority

bitch city
No personal stories of my own but quite a few good/embarrassing ones.

I have a friend who hasn't quite settled into civilization yet. Although he's 20 he's still very much 11 years old at heart. He was also larger then most and had a beard. Lets call him Zaid.

We were only young, around the age when your parents finally allow you into Central London by yourself. It was around the same time that annoying free running shit was everywhere and some of us wanted to visit Waterloo and av a go. On the train up everyone was challenging each other to do tricks and what not on the poles on the tube. Que Zaid's attempt, I can't recall what he had attempted although it involved pulling himself up, being quite large he strained quite a bit to lift his legs and lower back into the air. As he does this we all hear a loud fart and laugh whilst people looked on in disgust. He sat down, red faced and quiet, for the rest of the journey. We notice and ask if he's ok but it after a while we notice it still smells. We get off the train and he runs into some bushes near the Southbank and squats for a good 10 minutes. Just enough so you can see his fat head poking above the bushes.

Another friend called Liam, had a period a couple of years ago where he would shit in public. He had popped down the road with someone else to get some beers and upon his arrival whips out his phone and starts showing everyone the giant shit he had done outside someone's house.

One night we at the pub with a bunch of 'lads'. Someone had told one of them that a girl had insulted him so he climbed onto a ledge and pissed on her. Later that night Liam was quite a state and ended up in bed quite early. The girl followed him upstairs to join him. When it had reached the morning Liam wonders down stairs sleep walking and pisses all other the kitchen floor and someone's dads shoes then tries to leave the house. The girl runs downstairs confused asking people where Liam had gone and how he managed to spill a drink in the bed when there wasn't anything to spill.


there are no accidents
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