
it wouldnt of been cheating. not if you were making love to the goddess. thats never cheating i shouldnt think. cos your with the divine feminine which is in all of them.
I agree I was gonna say the same thing. It was an existential gesture of affirming the universe. There was no sexual or romantic intent.


Well-known member
Gus have you ever made a pilgrimage to meet other_life? theres loads of beanbags and gauzy fabrics draped over angle-poise lamps and tibeten singing bowls. it's an enchanted space. my flat used to be one but i desecrated it thru too many drunken binges with edmund.


Gus have you ever made a pilgrimage to meet other_life? theres loads of beanbags and gauzy fabrics draped over angle-poise lamps and tibeten singing bowls. it's an enchanted space. my flat used to be one but i desecrated it thru too many drunken binges with edmund.
Last time I tried to meet up with a dissensus user I was brutally rejected by Dilbert. And then he went to the event anyway to rub my nose in it. He has very sadistic dark triad energy I think. So Im a little traumatized understandably


Well-known member
you have to be very careful and tender and fastidious with your enlightenment or you trash it. no one wants rules, its natural to chafe against them. thats why its hard to stay in that state.


Well-known member
hes not dead yet but he does seem to be floating away a little bit. hes still got some life left in him. he did this great speech about smoking. i was saying that i dont know why i have to smoke cigars all of a sudden cos usually i dont like it
and he said i think its important to keep doing it. you do it, and you don't like it, and you keep doing it, and then you like it again. it's like life.

that struck me as very profound.


Who are the top 25 most enlightened individuals. I think there should be a list. I learned a lot from linebaughs top 25 megaminds.


Well-known member
you sort of suspect that they dont really do much cos theyre too enlightened. just potter about a bit.


Do you think there have been any enlightened people of real power

Maybe a Marcus Aurelius or Seneca type

It would be hard to pursue power if you were enlightened. Usually ambition is a sign of lack. And of mental illness


Well-known member
thats the issue isnt it. why are you so desperate for attention? waving your arms around like that.