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Well-known member
You think that because a large part of your self-esteem is bound up in your self image as a lone Neo who has seen through the Matrix, while everyone else is a brainwashed sheeple. Trust in government here is low, and declining, with good reason:

View attachment 5966

The most recent figures here are from 2019. I think it's safe to assume they won't have improved over the course of last year.

Maybe you think any number higher than 0% is too high, but anyway, the idea that most people trust the government is clearly false.
Thing is tea, there's a big difference between what people say in a survey and how they actually behave.


Maybe you think any number higher than 0% is too high, but anyway, the idea that most people trust the government is clearly false.
There are degrees of trust: people will easily slip into standard cynical takes like 'I'm not surprised the Tories paid their buddies 10x too much for X' but will not go the whole hog and imagine that the government is malicious or doesn't care about their welfare, deep down.

The latter is required for direct action.


Well-known member
I think it's two slightly different things tbh. If people are too trusting of the government, as biscuits claims, that doesn't necessarily mean that they also will not say they don't have faith in the government, if you get what I mean.

So people might say to a pollster that they hate the government, but when it comes down to it, they won't actually act on that statement.


Also important to remember: The director of the WHO is Ethiopian. Chinese and Ethiopian relations are so established they have their own Wikipedia page. China is well-documented as funneling massive amounts of money into the third-world to get UN members to vote their way. This doesn't necessarily mean that the WHO downplayed COVID because of Chinese influence, but it's certainly grounds for suspicions, and a reminder of the Foucauldian role of power in determining "truth."
No one's gonna read the original post so I'm excerpting this

See also:

wild greens

Well-known member
If we are to frame the issue through the prism of how 1980s capitalism and self-indulgent decadence transfused with sexuality to create an ambiguity in which George Michael could be presented as a heterosexual lothario despite hindsight allowing us to watch the video for club tropicana and say don't be silly girls he is not interested, then I guess it is easy to understand how these things can be misinterpreted

Is anyone else watching story of top of the pops 1982

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
@suspended - let's just take it back a bit. You said:

"Eg There is a real chance climate change forecasts and causal stories (anthropogenic origins) are wrong. It is a small chance, I wouldn't bet on it, but scientists themselves are more divided on details than media portraits would paint; punishing dissenters reeks of medieval church logic."

It is true that a small percentage of climate scientists dissent from the common view about the causes of climate change. It's also true that a small percentage of climate scientists are backed financially by the fossil fuel industry. This is well documented, as I said. Snarky jibes at a newspaper don't change this.

The alt-right edgelord bit comes in because you've talked yourself into this upside-down world where quoting revolutionary philosophers and saying "the science isn't settled, we don't know for sure", when this is clearly not the case:

constitutes speaking truth to power against an imaginary evil Hegemon comprising liberals, scientists and, I dunno, probably Greta Thunberg and BLM, amongst others. When in fact you're shilling for Charles Koch.


@suspended - let's just take it back a bit. You said:

"Eg There is a real chance climate change forecasts and causal stories (anthropogenic origins) are wrong. It is a small chance, I wouldn't bet on it, but scientists themselves are more divided on details than media portraits would paint; punishing dissenters reeks of medieval church logic."
Yes, please, let's take it back. I've bolded to be clear.
It is true that a small percentage of climate scientists dissent from the common view about the causes of climate change. It's also true that a small percentage of climate scientists are backed financially by the fossil fuel industry. This is well documented, as I said. Snarky jibes at a newspaper don't change this.
You're ignoring a nearly 1000-word post where I lay out a picture of how truth and power intersect. Why focus on a "snarky jibe at a newspaper"?
The alt-right edgelord bit comes in because you've talked yourself into this upside-down world where quoting revolutionary philosophers and saying "the science isn't settled, we don't know for sure", when this is clearly not the case:
Maybe it's time for me to review the evidence again! I checked about 6-7 years ago, when the "97% of climate scientists agree: anthropogenic global warming is real" stat was floating around. You start digging into that claim (back then!) and you find out it comes from two papers whose 97% number is only tenuously connected to stances on causation, or forecasts for serious climate disruption—just the basic factual claim that the Earth appears to be heating up. Totally possible that since then, greater consensus has emerged!

I'm not invested either way, because the global warming example was always an e.g., I literally prefaced it with an e.g., it was never about climate science, it was about how political regimes massage and strategically represent "the science." Which is still true of how global warming politics in the 2010s worked, whether or not the scientific picture has evolved. (These things don't work ex post facto: If I go around claiming Luka is a teenage girl, I'm right to be dismissed—even if later on Luka is, in fact, revealed as a teenage girl.)
constitutes speaking truth to power against an imaginary evil Hegemon comprising liberals, scientists and, I dunno, probably Greta Thunberg and BLM, amongst others. When in fact you're shilling for Charles Koch.
This is all your language buddy. It's revealing you see this all as good guys vs bad guys—I'm either on the Good Liberal Side or I'm "schilling for Charles Koch"

Pick a fight with my real point, the one that's on-topic with the thread, not some sideshow comment I typed up in 6 seconds off the top of my head


The factual bit on masks/WHO
The WHO's original position on masks was actually closer both to their 2019 assessment of masks and flu AND their current stance on public maskwear (Dec 2020); Newsnight revealed that their volte face was motivated by political lobbying:

masks public WHO.pngflu masks.png


This could be Biscuits, but despite Tea's claims here I'm not interested in "schilling" for powerful elites who are committed to or backing one side of the science or the other. I'm just trying to open up room for more uncertainty and more epistemic humility—in contrast with whatever twisted impulse makes people convinced they alone hold the Real Truth, and everybody else better shut up or be locked up.


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