Popular and its news to you


bandz ahoy

TikTok has become a core way for Gen Z to express its own ethos, aesthetic, and attitudes—sometimes resulting in outright hostility toward millennials and boomers (though rarely Gen Xers, forever the forgotten middle child). Millennials, especially, are frequently criticized on the app for their perceived immaturity and whining, their predilection for Harry Potter and BuzzFeed, and their overall corniness. In a post under #bullymillennials, a video montage mocks what it calls a “millennial core” aesthetic. A series of images flashes across the screen: a pile of avocado toast, a mock–election campaign shirt that reads “Doggo Pupper ’20: They’re heckin good boys,” the definition of the buzzword adulting, and the Harry Potter house crests. In another post, a Gen Z user rips into millennials with the claim that they have underperformed as a generation. “Y’all were supposed to be saving the climate, starting revolutions and shit. What did you contribute? Mumford and Sons? A craft brewery on every corner?”
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Cat Malogen
how do we feel to witness someone eat one of those washing pods - i don't think i ever watched one becos "don't want to encourage them"

Get into it?

The only interaction I’ve had with tiktok was the girl who put gorilla glue in her hair and even that was via a news outlet

The kids are a bit young but my oldest lad is all over it, fortunately on just about speaking terms with his Mum who runs a tight ship with mobile usage (fucking master and commander seeping into descriptive allusions)


bandz ahoy
When I was growing up there was no notion in my head of there being an elder, hated generation. You thought your parents were past it, of course, terminally unhip etc. But there wasn't yet that resentment of them that's emerged since then. That's presumably come from us Millenials growing up and realising we can't afford to do any of the things our parents did.


Get into it?

The only interaction I’ve had with tiktok was the girl who put gorilla glue in her hair and even that was via a news outlet

The kids are a bit young but my oldest lad is all over it, fortunately on just about speaking terms with his Mum who runs a tight ship with mobile usage (fucking master and commander seeping into descriptive allusions)


bandz ahoy
Reading that article, the algorithm sounds sinister.

Unlike users of Twitter or Instagram, TikTok users do not need to “follow” any accounts before they’re served content. Instead, a mysterious, uncannily accurate algorithm intuits the user’s preferences and presents them in a so-called “For You” page. Each video is sixty seconds or less and can touch on any possible subject. After a few months of use, my feed now shows me skits, dances, and observational quips posted by regular users in my own demographic, as well as content from astrologers, perfume connoisseurs, therapists, gastroenterologists, amateur bakers, and textile artists—all interests that TikTok has bafflingly but correctly assumed I have.

The specificity can be jarring. Unprompted, the algorithm has shown me content from other Bosnian women in their twenties who live in New York City, matching us down to the very same village. At other times, the predictive power of the algorithm turns almost omniscient. Over the summer, I had been ignoring a strange rash on my torso when I was offered a TikTok about someone else’s unidentifiable rash on their torso, which was eventually diagnosed as shingles. I went to my doctor, and sure enough, my diagnosis was the same.


thats actually super cool. i want to try it now but i dont have a smrtphone
yuh dont need one
just click it
no excuses


Well-known member
Maybe it shows you the real you. The you you can't see because you are you.
thats what i mean it sounds really really cool. youre on it i take it sufi? what did it pair you up with? retired quat smugglers from a cornish village exiled in Haringey?


i havent got very far in, i only used the app a couple of times and the web version a few times
i guess the web version might be able to do a personalised feed using cookies but as you don't need to log in it must be easy to avoid getting tracked, so you can avoid getting caught in the spiral of crazy

so if you don't log in you just get the most popular tiktokkers including your lad liamG, and that little bianca from stenders who everybody ganged up on in strictly and who seems to be making tiktok her own


thus i have a highly objective opinion as well as incisive insights etc
but i'm only on level 1
level 2 would be getting the personalised feed
level 3 would be making actual acrobatics and silly tricks to get up on everyone else's feed


little bianca seems to be just trying out daft stuff and getting on pretty well with it
and that i suppose is shaping what the "algorithm" ultimately logs as popular. because she bothers to mess about, gets inspired and does the little performances,
she is pushing back at the machine tyranny that coerces her into these unnatural behaviours as the price of celebrity in 2021, her participation and personalisation of the dross is possibly gonna defy the iron law of no career post-eastenders,

that give and take is the same sort of cyborg nature that this place has,
basically we need to get craner on tictoc - it will work, he has magical charisma