
3) I would argue the constant arguments about non-existent children surgery comes from a very odd paedo subsection of the marginal internet right- exactly the same with fake pizzagate- and you need to question why these online groups are so obsessed with talking about children's sexuality constantly

Proper nonce gear that
It's the gang with the puberty blockers, the 'let's change sex at school without telling the parents', the nursery pupil gender identity forms, who made it a children problem. They are the obsessed ones. So the hypothetical scenario is merely asking Tea what he wants the system to do irrespective of whatever relationship he has with his child.


pass the sick bucket
Well, that's why I always say, communism will abolish parents. thank god. nip it in the bud.

basically the entire problem with the old anglo-american left generation. socialist and progressive bloodlines.

It's why they easily cleaved to Angela Nagle, Mark Fisher exiting the vampire castle, and even in america now, there's an ideology called maga communism.

The rightists on here, hmt govt, mixed biscuits, were spoilt by being raised by progressive parents. they never had to conduct a ruthless ideological struggle. That's what the transgender people war has awoken in them, it's pretty pathetic. Instead of being skeptical, it's an infantile whining plea for their world that they know to remain the same. But, these nincompoops fail to realise that all that is solid melts into air. Unceasing revolutionising of the forces of production, this is the proginy of your class. Accept it or get fucked. Whether the bourgeoisie is right or left it doesn't matter, this is their historical task. The republicans will only ever increase the amount of people transitioning and trans visibility. Ideology can never assume a determining role. big capital will always win.

This is a bit like those old Stalinists who valourised the nuclear family and saw homosexuality as a bourgeois deviation. But the family will always find a way of reconstituting itself, even in ostensibly queer spaces, even amongst homosexuals, even amongst progressives. and especially amongst butthurt small time petit-bourgeois, a class with no historical future, either to go big or to sink down... Embrace it, lads. Even the marxists say, wherever the struggle is between small fragmented capital and big unified, centralised capital, big capital is to be prefered. Join the winning side. Take your place with the victors, not with the defeated.

The only thing which can eradicate the family is the abolition of all property and ownership in land.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Okay i am getting involved briefly

This thread is terrible- no offence- but i do keep meaning to reply to this question as it's such a weird way of framing it, let me try and reverse it

If your son is tortured in his sexuality for whatever reason and your relationship with him is so fraught that you find out because your doctor approaches you as opposed to be able to talk to you; is it still a valid talking point or are you just a shit dad

The idea that you frame this as a valid question is quite confusing if you ask me

*Edited as cba getting too deep
I was going to reply to his obviously disingenuous question at the time, but never got round to it. But my answer would be that "I'm going to be a mummy when I grow up" is an absolutely typical thing for a three-year-old boy to say. In fact if you asked a mixed-sex group of kids of that age what they were going to be when they grew up, there probably wouldn't be a significant difference between the boys and the girls in the frequency of answers such as "a mummy", "a daddy", "a pirate", "a princess", "a dinosaur" or "Spiderman."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I find it deeply ironic, too, that biccies - for all his cod-Catholic pro-natalism - is childless himself. Which in itself is a mercy, I mean imagine having him for your dad. It doesn't bear thinking about.


pass the sick bucket
I find it deeply ironic, too, that biccies - for all his cod-Catholic pro-natalism - is childless himself. Which in itself is a mercy, I mean imagine having him for your dad. It doesn't bear thinking about.

he went to Oxford, breeding ground for eugenics and population control ideologies.


I was going to reply to his obviously disingenuous question at the time, but never got round to it. But my answer would be that "I'm going to be a mummy when I grow up" is an absolutely typical thing for a three-year-old boy to say. In fact if you asked a mixed-sex group of kids of that age what they were going to be when they grew up, there probably wouldn't be a significant difference between the boys and the girls in the frequency of answers such as "a mummy", "a daddy", "a pirate", "a princess", "a dinosaur" or "Spiderman."
At what age does it stop being a phase and who's going to tell the nursery that their question doesn't make sense at that age?


he went to Oxford, breeding ground for eugenics and population control ideologies.
The eugenics angle on this is that some shadowy figures are egging on useful idiot progressives to out anybody who is in any way non-conforming, whereupon they are sterilised, all of this making the same figures a sack of money through the cost of this and lifelong medical attention.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
At what age does it stop being a phase and who's going to tell the nursery that their question doesn't make sense at that age?
Well obviously not you, since you have no skin in the game as either a trans person or a parent, and are just disingenuously arguing the toss in order to be a cunt.


Well obviously not you, since you have no skin in the game as either a trans person or a parent, and are just disingenuously arguing the toss in order to be a cunt.
This may be alien to your personal philosophy but one of the fundamental tenets of left wing thought is that we live in a society, and that no man is an island. Everything affects everything else.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
I was going to reply to his obviously disingenuous question at the time, but never got round to it. But my answer would be that "I'm going to be a mummy when I grow up" is an absolutely typical thing for a three-year-old boy to say. In fact if you asked a mixed-sex group of kids of that age what they were going to be when they grew up, there probably wouldn't be a significant difference between the boys and the girls in the frequency of answers such as "a mummy", "a daddy", "a pirate", "a princess", "a dinosaur" or "Spiderman."

Exactly. But this is the sort of thing that parents who 'affirm' their children give as evidence that their child is indeed innately trans. Small children think and say all kinds of funny things, they have extremely active imaginations. The idea that we should affirm everything they say is ridiculous.

I suspect there's a strong element of homophobia/Munchausen's by proxy syndrome in many cases too - if your little boy is effeminate and likes pink and playing with barbies and putting on makeup or whatever and you're a homophobe, it may be more acceptable to you to trans them.

And yes this is really happening before anyone tries to deny it, there are loads of documented cases. Anyone ever see that 2 part mini series Butterfly with Anna Friel - blatant propaganda informed by the Mermaids charity? Worth casting a critical eye over.

Btw, Susie Green, the ex head of Mermaids, had an effeminate boy, the dad was homophobic (she explains all this in her TED talk). She ended up taking him to Thailand on his 16th birthday for full surgery.


Scene: Mr Tea in a courtroom facing a judge for illegally aborting his second child in order to have enough time to keep up with things on Dissensus.

Judge: Your actions are despicable, Mr Tea.

Mr Tea: Give it a rest. What's it got to do with you? It's not your child, and you're not a foetus!

Judge: Blimey, I've never thought of it in that way. You are right! What business is it of mine really? I sentence myself to solitary confinement with a PC logged in to Dissensus, so that I might learn more from this wisest of sages.


Wild Horses
The worst thing about this topic is everyone thinks their opinion is as valid, or in some sad cases more valid than people who actually deal with and live with the issues. Can we imagine a thread about black music where many long time posters start to say "those fucking blacks eh, can't help themselves, they'lll always be crims'. That's the last few pages of this thread pretty much.


Well-known member
got have your say though don't you. everyone thinks about it cos like wild greens said in that other thread it's all you hear about these days. everyones got their dad opinions about it. bit unseemly but we all talk about it in private scenarios, going, weird innit, don't get it, fair play to them though.


pass the sick bucket
got have your say though don't you. everyone thinks about it cos like wild greens said in that other thread it's all you hear about these days. everyones got their dad opinions about it. bit unseemly but we all talk about it in private scenarios, going, weird innit, don't get it, fair play to them though.

You can't just have your own opinions on the bible though. That's prioritising your own worldview above the scripture.


pass the sick bucket
The eugenics angle on this is that some shadowy figures are egging on useful idiot progressives to out anybody who is in any way non-conforming, whereupon they are sterilised, all of this making the same figures a sack of money through the cost of this and lifelong medical attention.

You can delude yourself into thinking that, but you very well know that with every obligation comes a right. Or to put another way: all states have a function of forbidding or ceasing to forbid, not to command.

What is so slippery about your ideology is that protect the children is such an elastic category that everyone can be held responsible. doctors, parents, the child themselves. Everyone has erroneous judgment, ironically, apart from the big bad big pharma joose, who always have the correct judgment, who can never err, because they are the historical criminal. Well, in that case the most noble will have to hang the least noble, until only he remains. Your approach is actually perfectly in accordance with cancel culture, not against it. I.E: its only a response, not a confrontation. You want your side to take command of parents, but once those parents don't conform to what you're saying, they're criminalised.

Further more, like all big pharma conspiracy people, you don't actually have a theory to explain why big pharma exists, apart from bastardly profiteers. But pharma must have an integument within society, it cannot come out fully formed out of the head of prometheus.

further further more, what makes you think these progressives are deluded, a true fundamentalist American patriotic christian would not argue this. they would argue that the wokes, the critical race theories, and the transgenders and the gays are undermining Western civilisation. But of course this is beyond the pale for your dilatata oxford rectum, which is why you must formulate it obliquely and then run away like a quacking duck.


pass the sick bucket
Kids don’t know how lucky they are having such a warrior like Biscetti to protect them

Can biscetti be heard in a court? I don't think so. Not at the moment at least. any kids taking their doctors and parents to court?

teary confessions to a clinical psychologist don't count.

only when courts take cognisance of biscetti can we speak of his rights existing. not at the moment, he's just shitting in the wind.

and even then we must be dilligent in analysing the cases he brings to the table. There's never a ta da got you progressives for him, sad to say.