Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Honestly, there's this bottle in the shower at my girlfriend's house - it's not hers - that's covered in tiny dense print about BRINGING ALL MANKIND TOGETHER AS ONE IN GOD'S ETERNAL LOVE and full of Biblical references and whatnot. It actually reads like a pamphlet produced by some nutty religious sect. I'll take a photo of it next time I'm there, it has to be seen to be believed.


Darned cockwombles.
(this is not a snarky reference to previous post (okay the xxpost now Mr Tea got in before me) by the way, which I kinda though not totally agree with, but it did jog my memory about something):

Arsey middle class people who complain more about other people using 'lol' or other textisms (which are obv fine in moderation) than they do about things which actually hurt other people, out of a misplaced sense of intellectual superiority (some of the smartest people I know use textisms from time to time)

Mr Tea, you've jogged my memory too - the appalling 'Pret-speak' used in Pret a Manger adverts, probably inherited from Innocence Smoothies. Halfway between babyspeak and obscene insinuations that while their ingredients are 'daily fresh', their employees are subhuman scum so feel free to abuse them. Can't find instances on their website, but go into any Pret and you'll see what I mean
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Honestly, there's this bottle in the shower at my girlfriend's house - it's not hers - that's covered in tiny dense print about BRINGING ALL MANKIND TOGETHER AS ONE IN GOD'S ETERNAL LOVE and full of Biblical references and whatnot. It actually reads like a pamphlet produced by some nutty religious sect. I'll take a photo of it next time I'm there, it has to be seen to be believed.
that will be dr bronner's - proper good gear and a fully different issue to the pseudo claptrap of herbal essences et al
apologies for megasized image, nothing smaller does justice - All One!!!


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Um, yeah, that's the one. You're right, it's in a different league altogether. I'm sure it's great soap.

Edit: he seems to be blaming Marx for inspiring the Holocaust...sounds like something the nuttier end of the Tea Party would come out with. And 'Nazi-Psycho-Communism' sounds like Toccowich. :)

"Don't Drink Soap!" seems like pretty sound advice.
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"Mens advertising in general tbh"
Ha - was actually waiting for the punchline on that Renault ad. I think there was an advert for an iron a few years back that was aimed at men, it stressed different attributes from those used to advertise to women eg speed and power instead of control and ease of use or somesuch.


Arsey middle class people who complain more about other people using 'lol' or other textisms (which are obv fine in moderation) than they do about things which actually hurt other people, out of a misplaced sense of intellectual superiority (some of the smartest people I know use textisms from time to time)

omg this. this all day. I cannot fucking stand that shit. someone i know on facebook recently wrote this supremely self-important status update, addressed "dear everyone" and telling "everyone" to stop writing things like "ftw" because it's "stunningly superfluous".

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Do people just not understand that different kinds of language are appropriate in different situations? You wouldn't use 'ftw' in your master's thesis and you wouldn't use 'Yours sincerely' in a text message. It's not a difficult concept, is it?

Edit: having said that, Bandshell was talking about "would of"/"should of", which is just wrong, and different from lol-speak, which is slang.
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it's still about different situations though i think. i don't really care what grammar/spelling mistakes people make or what txt-speak they use on something like facebook - as long as i can understand what they're saying then it doesn't matter to me. i probably make loads of mistakes just typing shit without really thinking about it. obviously it's different if it's in like a published document or article or whatever but there's nothing worse than someone being all sanctimonious about the way you speak or write. especially in a passive-aggressive open letter to the world on facebook.

that said, one that i do inexplicably hate is that "i can haz" lolcats (?) thing. I really, really hate that one, so i'm kind of a disgusting hypocrite i guess.
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Darned cockwombles.
omg this. this all day. I cannot fucking stand that shit. someone i know on facebook recently wrote this supremely self-important status update, addressed "dear everyone" and telling "everyone" to stop writing things like "ftw" because it's "stunningly superfluous".

Really glad you picked this up, actually (since the shampoo issue had taken over the thread, not that it isn't one of my bugbears too!)'s so stunningly self-aggrandising.

i think writing everything in textspeak is iritating, just as writing everything in Shakesperian English would be irritating. But a smattering here and there is only natural.


HSBC. CUNTS. All i have to say. I'm changing this time.
check back to the bank charges thread... for moral support
i've started imposing arbitrary charges on hsbc - £25 for trivial things - cashpoint not working, useless telephone staff etc, and then up to £75 for more serious matters, like cancelling my card, or getting a payment wrong,
doesnt usually work of course, (although it's a guaranteed good laugh!!) but occasionally they've coughed up some £££ as a 'gesture of goodwill' - which i will happily accept and then continue to demand more compo to resolve my complaints ... basically if they treat you at all unreasonably, complain in writing and don't drop it until the amount of staff time you're taking means it's cheaper for them to pay you off :)


Tight but Polite
Speaking of banks, has anyone else experienced that thing where you have to talk to them about something trivial (a change of address in my case) and they making fake small talk in order to find things to try to sell you?

"Are you going anywhere interesting on holiday this year, then?"
"Yeah, I'm off climbing in Malta with some mates..."
"Would you be interested in our travel insurance?"


It just feels really dirty, like they're pretending to be your friend in order to make money out of you. And if you fall for it, which I did the first time, you have to jump from relaxed small talk to "no piss off I don't want any more of your services" and become vexed in the process. Yuck.