Popular and its news to you


theyre popular for very very obvious reasons.
beyond our ken



Ok you can see that - but lots of other things are too... why are they SO popular?
yeah and why that particular moment of that particular laidback geezer ?
he clearly has no idea but is doing his best to fulfil his cyborg destiny, the hawaii squaddie mtotheb girl also


Void Dweller
Maybe that's part of the appeal of tiktok already, noone has a clue why that girl twitching her nose like that, or cranberry jiuce guy on his longboard are so popular, literally nobody, but the numbers show that they have had the attention, mediated by their "algorithm"
that happens a lot on youtube now too. some 10 second spiderman 2 clip uploaded in 2009 will suddenly appear in your suggestions with millions of views, w/ all the comments several days old and expressing some variant of "why am i here?"


Well-known member
im quite drawn to the idea that fame is always the result of a deal with the devil


that happens a lot on youtube now too. some 10 second spiderman 2 clip uploaded in 2009 will suddenly appear in your suggestions with millions of views, w/ all the comments several days old and expressing some variant of "why am i here?"
Tiktok has thousands and thousands of people attempting to snag the "algorithm" by behaving in completely odd and incomprehensible ways

I don't get it..., but never mind anyway, here's a little dance i copied and a funny face you may like


Well-known member
you get it with Robert Johnson and you get it again when the Jay-Z is Illuminati theories start hitting the internet some time in the 00s. i think theres a lot of truth in it.


... with abandon, whatever comes into their heads, recorded and broadcast in a matter of moments


bandz ahoy
The guy listening to Fleetwood Mac on the skateboard with the cranberry juice. I think a combo of it being a Mexican guy listening to Fleetwood Mac (there's loads of really popular videos on YouTube of black ppl reacting to white rock bands), the song itself which people love, the sunny scene he's skateboarding through (a visually relaxing and transporting image) and somehow the cranberry juice caps it all off doesn't it? It's not the usual thing people drink. But it fits perfectly. And also he's laid back and cool.

I felt it myself, the appeal of it, and wanted to share it. I didn't know it had gone viral. That happens a lot. The thing you don't even know has gone viral reaches you and you want to share it.


bandz ahoy
The other thing about the Mexican (or should I say Latino? Probably) cranberry drinker is that it wasn't contrived. Probably a lot of social media stuff is contrived but that felt authentic, especially cos it wasn't the expected thing. If it turned out that a cranberry juice company had come up with that it would remove all the appeal (as all the subsequent post-fame videos he does presumably attest to), but you'd also think wow that's some sort of genius.


Well-known member
its probably a lot easier accepting your old and past it once youve got kids i guess. you might as well shuffle off into obscelelnce once youve fufilled your biologic destiny


Well-known member
plus theyre always letting you know how old and embaressing you are so you cant pretend to yourself


The guy listening to Fleetwood Mac on the skateboard with the cranberry juice. I think a combo of it being a Mexican guy listening to Fleetwood Mac (there's loads of really popular videos on YouTube of black ppl reacting to white rock bands), the song itself which people love, the sunny scene he's skateboarding through (a visually relaxing and transporting image) and somehow the cranberry juice caps it all off doesn't it? It's not the usual thing people drink. But it fits perfectly. And also he's laid back and cool.

I felt it myself, the appeal of it, and wanted to share it. I didn't know it had gone viral. That happens a lot. The thing you don't even know has gone viral reaches you and you want to share it.
is there something stealthy about virality - you wouldnt want to share the same thing everyone shared already would you? so a super-popular item has to almost creep up and ambush us, to get mega-shared before it gets stale, and that process must be accelerating with each new media?


there's a chart somewhere about how the most popular instagrammer gets a bigger number of foolowers in a shorter time successively and also more trivial irl people - it started out with significnat irl people, then celebs, then harry potter sidekicks next it wlll be ... craner