How Computer Games Shaped Our Imaginations.


bandz ahoy
Has The World's A Game replaced The World's A Stage?

I can imagine in a modern equivalent to Hamlet, Hamlet would be a video game nerd who pwns his uncle with a meme within a game to work out if he's really cucked his dad.


Has The World's A Game replaced The World's A Stage?

I can imagine in a modern equivalent to Hamlet, Hamlet would be a video game nerd who pwns his uncle with a meme within a game to work out if he's really cucked his dad.
Reminds me of that thing with Philomena Cunk on Shakespeare when she's going to all these experts "So in some ways Othello is kinda like a computer game?" and the bemused expert says something like "I'm not really... I mean, how?" and she goes "So you could say Shakespeare was the first computer game programer?" and they say "Er, not, not really" and she just steamrollers over them and goes "That's amazing".


is not like other people
Dungeons and Dragons etc?
Woops does this for real.
well not anymore but at school i did, to fuck. every break time if i could rope anyone in. in fact i was even nerdier than that cos i collected the systems like you lot collect records and loved to read em, like rifts, call of chthulhu, amber (quite obscure this one), super champions, teenage mn turtles, i had loads and loved all the character creation systems and stuff.

but i gave it all up when i moved to sixth form for the sole reason it was embarrassing.
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is not like other people
also this company did one about sexy vampires called vampyre: the reckoning, like lost boys vibe or something (or twilight), and they did a werewolf one too


is not like other people
obviously the artwork was part of the appeal



is not like other people
that is a very beautiful and "reason"ed piece of writing i find. how to make as little impact or be of little interest as possible, down to the least degree - it's like the infraconstant escape, a fulmination of our time on earth, is his aim. and what would the results be / how might they oscillate

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member

I saw a stand-up set a while back where the guy had a bit about his sister being a heroin addict and how addicts are always doing little 'quests' like in a video game. Always running around collecting copper to sell or nicking things or meeting people in odd locations.


Well-known member
one of the major appeals of being an addict that. gives life a sense of purpose.